Take for on cycle and/or PCT?


New member
Hi, new here. I have done research on this forum and others. There are just some conflicting suggestions. I am in my 12th week of Test C cycle at 500mg/week. Also was on 4 weeks of DBol as a kick start. I am preparing for my PCT. I have in my stash: Aromasin, Arimidex, Nolva, and Clomid. On cycle, I didn't take any of those. Just took Liv-52 and Milk Thistle. I have read some people suggest I take Nolva and Clomid only for PCT. Others said to take those two and Aromasin. I am pretty sure Arimidex is for on cycle right? I just got this stash, so I didn't take Arimidex during cycle. Also heard Aromasin is for on cycle not PCT. Which is true? If Aromasin and Arimidex are for on cycle, which do I take? Either or not both right? With these questions, I know I will be better prepared for my next cycle.