** Tennis Elbow in dominant arm...


New member
This seems to be the most appropriate subforum for this; I hope so.

I have been suffering from what I self-diagnose as "Tennis Elbow" for many months now. It is my dominant arm, and it's making life pretty fucking infuriating. The tendon(s) where all four extensors insert into the elbow under the brachioradialis insertion is done... swollen.. painful.

Anyhow, I'm curious as to what you guys have done for treatment. Obviously, my goal is to eliminate the ailment entirely. Who out there has some tips & ideas for me?:dunno:

Thank you in advance for any input!
Rest and ice are the best course of action. Then rehab once the pain is gone. And then identify what is causing the tennis elbow and see if you can improve your form/technique.

Cortisone shots definitely help, but they are temporary if you don't do the above.

Some guys have had success with TB500.

Is your estradiol low? My elbow hurts just like this when I have low E2. Although I get golfer's elbow instead.

Deca is an option (with Test of course). But again, if you are not on TRT it is only temporary.
MEGA & JIMI <> :beertoast Thank you! I know the exclamation may seem a bit overzealous, but I've been suffering with this for many months now, and any advice is so sincerely welcomed.

I've been a Chef for two & a half decades, and the job I had for the last 3 years had me responsible for a lot of cleaning. The repetitive usage of scrubbing pots/pans with steel wool at full extension of my knuckles to elbow while driving my heel deep into a 3-compartment basin sink allowed me to get all 260# of leverage on the pan. The bundle of tendons inserting all 4 radialis into my elbow (under the brachioradialis insertion) being the fulcrum have been repeatedly overworked, and ultimately, repitition took its toll. I haven't performed the motion in which caused this for 6 weeks now as I had vacation prior to being laid off, and it still is as bad as ever.

After a 3 year tenure at said job, I was laid off 4 weeks ago. My insurance was dropped, and I placed a Workers Comp claim to receive treatment for the work injury. I finally got to see a Dr. yesterday, and they shot me up with Toradol for the inflamed tendons, sent me on my way with a Rx for oral anti-inflams & also, a Rx for physical therapy. I'm excited about the PT!

I have no idea what TB500 is, but I will obviously be researching it. I'm thinking a peptide... available from RUI? I'll engage the due diligence; I'm just talking off-the-cuff.

E2 ?: I do not know if its low. I suspect so, but I know this pain & injury are not related. The injury has developed over awhile. I suspect it [E2] is low because I am on TRT, 30 days on, and my AI dose has been criticized here as being too high. I intend on getting my PrivateMD female panel in one or two more troughs as I'm headed out of town tomorrow. I want to see what's up, and I have seemingly noticed over the 4 weeks that after my second AI administration for the week, my erectile quality suffers. I pin T 1x weekly with AI+HCG 2x weekly. I think at an already potentially high AI dosage, that midweek AI crushes (not crashes:)) my E2... which if I'm not mistaken (super low E2) can cause an inability to get rock-hard erections?
Please do yourself a favor and get a tennis elbow wrap, I use ACE brand. Tighten it up just under the pain (not on it) and leave it on 24/7. This will help tremendously and also do the stretches that can be found easily with a youtube search. Ice is good when it is inflamed of course. I used to go to the target range and my forearm would be throbbing. Ice would feel so good but the wrap really relieves the pressure and allows healing to take place.
Just an update.

After the above protocol, I attended 10 physical therapy appointments (ultrasound, mps, massage, stretching, exercizing), received numerous acupuncture appointments, and received an extremely effective Kenalog shot. The pain never really subsided adequately so the Worker's Comp insurance adjustor finally approved the prescribed MRI, and guess what...

Torn Ulnar Collateral Ligament...
Swollen Ulnar Nerve...
Micro-tears of one bicep tendon insertion...

JIMI <> My test subject started TB500 last week @ 2mg on Tuesday & 2mg on Friday. It's next testing is tomorrow, Tuesday, @2mg, but now my personal Doc is suggesting the subject begin a Semorelin Forte protocol which has confused me a bit. The Forte is not cheap, but if it can heal at break neck speed, it seems I better find a way to afford it.
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Sarms s4 would be worth looking at also. it's very efficient at aiding in joint and ligament recovery. It has about 2 week kick in time and it begins helping with tennis elbow. I don't get tendonitis while running s4. You can use SIZZLE30 at Sarmsearch for 30% discount.
Thank you, kindly for the suggestion & coupon.

Like I said above, I'm really torn... no pun intended. I'm already laying out coin on this & that so adding another band-aid that might help is scaring me into the realization that it could just be a waste of money prolonging an inevitable foray into growth, and if it's most likely to heal me, why not go there first... you know.

Thank you, still.