test, dbol, and tren log


New member
Thought I would start a log to keep as a record for myself and get some opinions. Im am running 400mg test cyp weeks 1-12, 40mg dbol weeks 1-6 and 9-12, and tren 50mg ED weeks 9-12. I am taking a-dex and nolva daily. I am 6'0 and 19 yrs, have been training consistently for two. I am currently in the 5th week of the cycle. Started at 198lbs and currently 219. I am holding quite a bit of water and definatly gainded some fat. But I guess that comes when bulking up. I am loving it since my strength has gone up greatly but at the same time kinda dissapointed since I dont look as good as I did my previouse cycle with a weight of 190-195. It was also a bulker but not as heavy. Hopefully when I come off I will drop the water and some more definition will come out. And eventually Ill cut up a little which will also help. DL have gone from 495 to 515, bench from 245-295, leg press6 plates each side for 10 reps touching my chest each time. I havent really maxed on legs since my knees have been bothering me lately so I wanna take a few weeks from presses and just do leg extensions. Let me know any opinions and advice.
weighed myself yesterday and weight was the same. Bench went from 225 for 9 to 225 for 11. Attempted 315 but needed a little spot. But overall was happy with the workout. Today is legs and Im feeling good today. Iv got all my calories in so far. Hope weight has gone up. I feel the test kicking in more and more since my apetite is growing constintly. Currently at about 4500-5000 cals but plan to go to 5500-6000 in a week or so.
SupermanQC said:
dont go crazy with that
I bulk with 3000 cal and I'm at 200 Contest Weight

BUt I dont really grown with calories that low. When I first started working out I was about 160-165. I didnt gain wieght to easily so the only way was to up those calories. Once I did the wieght started coming. Right now Im feeling as if my gains are slowing down so Im gonna bump it up a little more and see what happens. I dont like putting on the extra fat but I know in the end it will be worth it. Once I cut up, my muscles should be much bigger and fuller then If I kept calories at one low point. Cant put on muscle without a little fat. BTW what is your weight off season?
Today was arms, only a slight strenght gain really but great workout overall. With the test working Im beging to see slightly more definition instead of just the bloat with the dbol. Wieght still 219. Gonna wait prob another week to see if I gain anything, if not Im gonna up the cals.
Begining of my 6th week today. Workout was back. Over all very nice workout. Gained a few reps from last week on pretty much every set I did. Last time I weighed myself was Saturday and was about 219. Today Im at 221. I feel apetie increaseing more and more by the day. Also the test is giving me a nice sense of wellness.
Shoulders today, had a really good workout. Went up in everything. Tried to clean and press 225 but couldnt get it up. Oh well hopefully next week. Very surprised about my apetite. It has been going up the past few days but today was ridiculouse. I was never really full, I could of kept eating. Weight is up to 222 1/2 from 221 yesterday.
Had some shit come up the past 3 days and did not have a chance to hit the gym or even eat right. Im gonna hit the gym tomoro and train chest and legs to make up for the lost days. Prob dropped a few lbs but nothing to seriouse. Tomoro last day of dbol and on Monday I will bump up the test to 800 per week for 2 weeks till I start the tren.
Went to the gym today after a very long weekend. Did chest and a few sets of legs to make up for the past 3 days I missed. Workout was pretty much what I expected. Nothing special, after the weekend Im drained as fuck. Starting to see some definiton coming in from the test. Didnt weigh myself.
Today was a really great day. First off today was the first day in 6 weeks where I didnt have to much pain in my back from back pumps. Did back today and strenght has gone up significanlty since last week. Iv increased every set by 2-3 reps. Lats are really starting to come out. Weight is up to 224 1/2 from 198. Thats a 26 lb gain in 6 weeks with only a little fat.
Today was shoulder day. My workout started shitty but ended pretty well actually. Still couldnt clean 225 but increased on other lifts. I was very aggrevated today in the gym. All day I was having a good day but then I just got really pissed. Big androgen rush! Also lower back pain returned a little in the second half of the day. Wieght is up to a little over 225 lbs.
Despite the lower back pains I still did hyper extensions and shrugs. I did shrugs first this week since last week by the time I finished hyper extensions I really couldnt stand from the back pump. Shrugs have gone up a little from last week. Weight is at 227. Im loving the gains so far. Everyone is telling me how big I got so quickly.
Chest day today. I was planning on starting off with incline but that didnt workout since my gym is shit and has only 1 incline which was being used. Started off doing flat and then went to incline followed by some dips. Repped 225 13 times as opposed to 11 last week. Got 275 4 times and then 245 6 times. Incline I really didnt move to much but did do 225 5 times when last week I only got 4. I think Im gonna drop the dips next week since all I feel is my shoulders doing the work. Im up by about a 1/2 a lb totaling to 227 1/2.
Friday was leg day for me. Workout wasnt great but it was ok. First week back into doing heavy leg presses in 2 weeks due to knee problems. Im a little dissapointed becuase my leg press didnt increase. But when I went to do hamstring curls, I went up a lot in that. Also both abducter machines were lighter and easier then ever. So it was so so. The only other thing to complain of is bloat. Since this week I dropped the dbol, I upped the test to 800mg a week and the bloat came back pretty fucking badly. Just when I thought it was under control it comes back. Weight is up to 229.