New member
Thought I would start a log to keep as a record for myself and get some opinions. Im am running 400mg test cyp weeks 1-12, 40mg dbol weeks 1-6 and 9-12, and tren 50mg ED weeks 9-12. I am taking a-dex and nolva daily. I am 6'0 and 19 yrs, have been training consistently for two. I am currently in the 5th week of the cycle. Started at 198lbs and currently 219. I am holding quite a bit of water and definatly gainded some fat. But I guess that comes when bulking up. I am loving it since my strength has gone up greatly but at the same time kinda dissapointed since I dont look as good as I did my previouse cycle with a weight of 190-195. It was also a bulker but not as heavy. Hopefully when I come off I will drop the water and some more definition will come out. And eventually Ill cut up a little which will also help. DL have gone from 495 to 515, bench from 245-295, leg press6 plates each side for 10 reps touching my chest each time. I havent really maxed on legs since my knees have been bothering me lately so I wanna take a few weeks from presses and just do leg extensions. Let me know any opinions and advice.