Test E 250 and Tritren 200 cycle plan. Advice wanted...


New member
Test E 250 and Tritren 200 Cycle help
Hey guys I'm new to the forum and this is my first proper cycle... Iv been training on and off for about 4 years but for some reason have found the motivation to really dedicate myself to training and diet this time round so I have decided to run a proper cycle to maximise my gains...

My stats are
Age: 23
Height: 5ft 10
Bodyfat: 10%
As it stands I'm going to run my cycle at
500mg/week of test E (2 shots a week)
400mg/week of tritren (in the same shots)

PCT is HCG shot after last shot of test

Run nolva for 4 weeks, 2 weeks after my cycle.
I also have aromasin on hand.

I would love to know what people thought of those doses and if they should be changed... Criticism is welcome cos I really want to get it right as I want the best gains possible for my upcoming summer holidays.

Also does anyone have any tips for the cycle... For example how much water to drink and what to eat or any boosting tips...

Thank you
Ruess :)
You are too young, wait a couple of years
Don't run tren on your first cycle
500mg/week of test is the most recommended beginning cycle
You will need clomid along with the nolva for PCT
If you run the tren anyways, you'll need a PA like caber or prami
Don't run tren on you first cycle
You are too young, wait a couple of years
You sure I'm too young even if I use you correct pct? I mean I'm surrounded by people in the gym who have been cycling since the ages of 18 who now have families and great bodies... Do you know what the risks are of cycling early?