Test E cycle. 6 weeks in. What to add?


New member
Greetings, I am 6 weeks of 12-15 of my first cycle. Simple test E @500mg/wk. I noticed the effects of the increased test pretty early into the cycle. maybe 5 days in. Strength and size gains started to become noticeable around week 4. Its currently week 6, and I am considering adding another compound. I am unsure of what to add however.

My reasoning for this is obvious, I want more noticeable size and strength gains. Im not looking for something ridiculous, just something a bit more than I am getting. In addition, i am looking for lean gains, which I have gotten so far. No noticeable fat gain. It would be nice to come out of this cycle, larger, stronger and either as lean as I went into the cycle, or leaner.

What I have come up for options are:

Anavar: for size, strength, vascularity and aiding in leaning out as well as solidifying gains made on the cycle. No water retention. With limited sides.
CONCERNS: not looking forward to decrease in libido, would it be okay to add to a cycle this late? Moreover, i know this a more costly addition.
Tbol: Size, strength gains, as well as a leaner look. As an alternative to dbol. More cost effective.
CONCERNS: More possibility for sides, liver toxicity, and would it be okay to add to a cycle 6 weeks in?

ALTERNATIVELY: I am looking into something injectable. Something that does not have the liver toxicity that an oral would. Ideally something to add size/strength as well as keep/aid in leaning out.

23 y/o
202 lbs (up from 195)
14-15% bf (I have abs still)
training 4 years. 3 years seriously.

Diet = 40/40/20 3000 calories a day or so. Very clean diet. Lean protien, and complex carbs. Good fats.

Any ideas about either what I could add? Or if it would be okay to add something? Im looking to add advice, maybe my gains will start picking up now that the test is in my system fully now? But will this aid in staying lean?
For a first cycle and since you are ending it I would add in Anavar, cut and harden you up a little and helps keeps gains. It is an oral but anavar is soooo mild that you have nothing to worry about concerning your liver. 50mg a day for 6-8 weeks.