Test E/Dbol Cycle Log


Week 13 of 15
Simplicity FTW.

Test E 250mg 2x Week
Liquid Dbol 50mg ED
Test E Weeks 1-15
Dbol Weeks 1-4

Start: 214lbs

Week 1: 216lbs
Noticable strength, size, libido and irratibility increase as of day 6.

Week 2: 219lbs
Day 10 Noticing slight strength increase but noticable mass increase. Water retention is up, but still huge post workout pumps and hard feeling muscles.

Week 3: 223lbs
Day 16 Another jump in strength and size. Recovery and endurance increases too.
Day 26 Some definite back pumps from the dbol, trying to take in more water and Taurine to combat them. Libido is jacked too, a slight breeze and I get a fucking lighthouse in my pants.

Week 4: 225lbs
Day 35 Slight weight gain this week but most noticable improvments have been with strength and endurance during workouts. Outfuckingstanding workouts lately.

Week 12: 227lbs
I apologize for the huge lapse in updating. Just been busy. However things have continued in a similar pattern throughout. Most notibly continuing libido increase, strength increase, recovery increase, size increase. While there are still gains, things have plateaued a little. My weight hasn't jumped tremendously however I feel like I've lost some water weight from the dbol and maybe dropped 1% in body fat. Been getting some attention lately from my size gains (in a good way). Back pumps have stopped since the dbol wearing off, and any negative sides like acne have been very minor. At this point I would definitely run this cycle again.
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Side Effect Log:

Liquid Dbol sides: Only negative has been the back pumps and it tastes like shit. Extra water and taurine is recommeded, about 2000mg's daily is what helped for me but a friend on the same cycle needed 4000mg's a day to combat his back pump pain. Cant do much about the taste, just suck it up.

Test E sides: So far haven't had many sides/cons unless you count the aggression and libido increase but I love them both.
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Just started lookin at this log and im starting week 5 into my cycle as well of dbol test e and deca the only thing i hated about the dbol was i can't walk for more than 3min at a time without my calfs locking up on me lol but i stopped it this last week.
hey man just wondering how that cycle is going for ya - im wanting to run a very similar almost the same cycle as than and its great to hear something like this log so i can get more info :)