Test/npp/mast cycle. Lean bulker and strength


New member
Here's the cycle what do u guys think and if anybody has ran a similar cycle ehat were ur results

Week 1-10
500mg test e weekly (2x 250mg shots)
150mg npp eod
150mg masteron prop eod

Week 10-16
500mg test e weekly
150mg mast eod
Maybe bump up to 200 eod
Dropping npp at week 10

Adex .5mg eod week 1-10 maybe decrease it week 10/16 as mast does not have as much estrogen activity

Prami on hand in case

Goal is lean mass and strength as.
4th day into this cycle and up two pounds and not sore at all after more intense workouts.
I feel like I am recovering better obviously haha. No strength gains yet but I can push myself harder for sure and amazing pumps