Test only for first cycle or with deca?


New member
I am 5'10" 195 lbs and have been working out for 3 yrs. I have about 15% body fat and I plan on doing my first cycle this summer to buld up. Should my first cycle be test only or should I have deca in there? Some have told me that the test only would be good to see how I react to juice and some say I should use deca with test. to get the most out of the first cycle. It is obviously going to come down to me making the decision but I would like some opinions from this fresh young board.
You can add Deca or EQ, since it is your first cycle you should have great results off of low to moderate dosages. Get your self some anti'e's for post cycle. You may want to get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) also.
I went with Test and Dbol for my first cycle. I was very happy with the size and strength gains. You will probably find that a lot of peoples' first cycle was Test/Dbol. Those two really are the meat and potatoes of steroids.
BiggieSwolls said:
I went with Test and Dbol for my first cycle. I was very happy with the size and strength gains. You will probably find that a lot of peoples' first cycle was Test/Dbol. Those two really are the meat and potatoes of steroids.

How long did you run the dbol Biggie?
BiggieSwolls said:
I went with Test and Dbol for my first cycle. I was very happy with the size and strength gains. You will probably find that a lot of peoples' first cycle was Test/Dbol. Those two really are the meat and potatoes of steroids.

That would be great for a first cycle. You could even just use test by itself and have a great 1st cycle.
my first was
1-10 test enth 500mgs
1-4 dbol 30 mgs ed
6-12 fina 75 mgs ed

at end i was up 40 lbs but in the next 3 weeks lost 15 of it. i kept 25 lbs and bf stayed around the same. i love fina:)
If I could go back and do it all again, knowing I would do multiple cycles, I would have loved to do each oil by itself. EQ, then Test, Then Primo, Then Fina, then Deca. I wish I could have seen how each effected me by themselves!

I highly recomend a test only cycle!!

500mg for 10 weeks with 50mg of proviron EQ
Systema said:
How long did you run the dbol Biggie?

Actually my first cycle was very short. 6 weeks of Cyp with 4 weeks of dbol in there as well. Keep in mind I was 17 at the time so I kept the dosages very low, didnt go over 400 mg of Test/wk and no more then 20 mg/ed of the dbol. It all worked out well for me. It was a solid first cycle although with my knowledge now I probably would have dosed a little different. An old school juicer set up my first cycle and it consisted of tapering which I am not a fan of at all after having more years of experience under my belt.
Well dude....I did my first cycle of Test only and ran it for 10 weeks @ 500mg/wk and I gained 25lbs but if I could do it again I would add some dbol or deca would be great. Good luck bro. Tell us what your going with
So it seems most people would run Deca with the Test on their first time. I have to order another vial of Test and I can get it with Deca already in it.
Edit: Nevermind its 1 100mg/ml 10ml vial of Test Cyp and 1 100mg/ml 10ml vial of Nandrolone Decanoate.
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and one year later still

GO deca/test 1st cycle...although not recommended..its what i did..deca is my friend...and both my cock and my women love the test
i know someone who did a test500mg/dbol 25mg cycle as his first and he blew up and got really strong. he went from benching about 145 to 275 in about 8 weeks! lol but as a newbie let me warn you that this is dangerous activity. your joints and ligaments can be, or should i say will be, permanantly damaged by getting too strong too fast.

...I had another friend do a dbol30mg/deca300mg - and he blew up too ...

for my real first bulking cycle i did a test350/deca300mg i gained about 20lbs nicely. it was an excellent cycle in my opinion...just be ready with you post cycle therapy (pct) because deca will shut you down hard.
i don't suggest running anything w/out test though as your libido will probably decrease and overall test is the best base to use for any cycle.