test prop 1st cycle, please judge


New member
Im 25yo, 142lbs, 5'3, 12-14% BF.
Supplements: Whey protein, amino acid, animal pak.
Anything i can add to my cycle/supplements?
Diet is in check.
Please judge my first cycle. Suggestions will be highly appreciated. Thanks.

test prop: 1 - 6(1/2) = 100mg EOD

pct: nolva 1-6 40, 7-8 20

I am currently on my week 1, and i have no Aromatase inhibitor (AI), is it alright to add Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at the 2nd week up to the last pin? And what is an ideal Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for test prop? I badly want to maintain libido.

And should i add clomid for post cycle therapy (pct)?
I think an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) second week should be fine try airmidex .5 eod i dont think chlomid will be needed for this short of second and fairly mild
ideally you need to run 10 to 12 weeks you may also have been better to run test e less jabs just 2 per week you could even get away with 1 but good luck look forward to seeing results