Test Prop insane PIP every time besides the 1st? Do I keep going?


New member
Hey all,

This is my 1st cycle and after reading for about a month or two I bought some Test Prop from a blood work verified source.

I pinned for that for 2 weeks and experienced massive pip each time. The only time I wasn't in immense amounts of pain was my very first pin and I felt nothing at all. Pinning mostly VG's and glutes.

That same week the source came out saying the batch was weak and offered replacements for myself and others. In between that time I did not pin and took 40 of Nolva for a week till new batch arrived.

I am now back on prop and again the pip is bad. Just as bad as before. Wake up then Advil bad. I've tried warming the gear, pushing as slow as possible, heating after, epson salt bath, nothing seems to help besides a shit ton of advil. I'm talking like can't walk type of pain. Its always about 6-10 hours after the pin and at that point its like someone shanked me in the muscle. Safe to say I've limped around work some days.

The source has good (verified) reviews so I doubt it's his stuff. Maybe I just don't get along with prop?

It's my 1st cycle but I'm thinking of quitting, pct, orals maybe. I'm sort of at a crossroads now. Thoughts? Thanks.
" like a VIRGIN touched for the very first time" That's advice from Madonna .

Im sure her pussy was sore getting poked for the very first time too, She obviously got over the pip , post insertion pain. And kept on poking . Deal with it
Even when i started pip wasnt effecting how i walk it shouldn't hurt that bad especially glutes maybe its dirty gear or your allergic to the solvents.
Are you sure your doing it right? If your not careful it's easy to jab a nerve or just be in a bad spot and not know it until too late. Also new guys are notorious for shaking when they push the plunger. when you shake its like a tattoo machine inside the muscle so yea its going to be sore. Read up on the right way to do it. Also test Prop is always a little rough. First timers should go for cyp or E. I don't consider test P a beginner compound.
I simply don't like prop personally. It's more volume of oil to get the same concentration of hormones. Which brings me to my question; what is the concentration of said propionate?

If it's higher than 150mg/mL, the UGL probably uses a ton of solvent to keep it from crashing - which gives that sting. Add to the fact that you're pinning virgin muscles,and you're going to feel it.

Last time I pinned was Wed. (2 days ago) and I woke up from the pain in my VG about 4 times last night. I'm thinking it might be that im allergic or something?

I could deal with a little pip or whatever no big deal but holy shit. I'm talking like the pain in my VG is so bad even 2 days later I cant lift my leg up if I was to lay on my side.
We do not know ur pain tolerance bro. What size pin is relevant as is dose 1 cc ? And as has been notes u may not get along w this batch. Diff lab s use diff oils solvents etc...it s a shame ur 1 st cycle is being interrupted or made so hard by pip. NO cycle is worth that level of discomfort as
I m sure it s not only killing ur training but quality of life. I always s redcommend that a 1 st timer go with E or C for this reason as it s not natural to stab urself then introduce a foreign compound etc. May have to bail ; get a long ester...

Worste PIP---1987 I was powerlifting in 198 s and sunk a 18 gauge 1.5 inch in my left sciatic nerve and after recovering and cleaning up the follow up blood spatter pattern and lamenting on the lost gear I limped to class and promptly fell off a step in the Common s and watched 17 pages of my final paper scatter much to the amusement of I m sure everyone I was so fucked. Took 10 day s to walk right....this is a tough little hobby we do , savvy ? It ain t for those who are not willing to HURT in some fashion.
Any guides to doing something like this? Pretty new to this scene. Thanks

I sterilized my own oils. At the time I was making my own tren so I had a bunch of sterile vials. I'm not saying you should do this, but I put 10ml into a sterile vial and baked It at 275 for I think 30 min. After that its ready to use. it only took .25 ml to 1ml prop to ease the pain. Draw in the same syringe, rock back and forth to mix. And proceed as normal. Draw .25 each time you inject. Don't add the gs oil to your prop or you will alter the concentration in your vial.
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Last time I pinned was Wed. (2 days ago) and I woke up from the pain in my VG about 4 times last night. I'm thinking it might be that im allergic or something?

I could deal with a little pip or whatever no big deal but holy shit. I'm talking like the pain in my VG is so bad even 2 days later I cant lift my leg up if I was to lay on my side.

Allergic reactions usually involve itching and even flu-like symptoms. There is usually some pretty crazy swelling and tenderness at the site. You can always ask your source if they use EO - as that is commonly seen in folks with reactions.

Otherwise, I'd see if you couldn't get some cypionate/enanthate.
lol, I've been hitting the gym and working hard for a fee years. I scope out
The site now and again just to pick
Up some info but really
Never contribute much anymore. Trying to to hit up nationals this year for pro card .
This is what happens when you use Prop for your first cycle.

The pain of prop+shaky hands+nerves = a shit ton of pain
I ordered some sterile GSO, which should be here soon. I'm going to try to the recommended mix to dilute thing down.

If that doesn't work out I may hop off PCT for a few and then maybe try test E. I initially didn't want to try E since we're going into the summer now and I fell for the whole water retention thing.

Since my first post here I've pinned my quad.... first 24 hrs = nothing, 35hrs = ouch, 48hrs (now) = well fuck Its near impossible to walk up stairs, get in the car, or even sit down in the chair. I'd equate the pain to something like a pulled/torn muscle type of pain but constant. If you were to look at me walking you could clearly take notice that the fact I cant utilize my quad without struggle.

Today I pinned my glute (25g 1.5") no pip yet, went slow, not shakey, etc. Lets hope for the best. The weirdest part of all this was my 1st pin, absolutely painless, no pip at all. I was happy as shit...not so much anymore.