Test Prop Tren Ace 8 weeks


New member
Planning to run an 8 week Test Prop and Tren Ace cycle.

First question is how much test should I run, I've heard to run test lower than tren and was planning 50 mg Tren EOD.
Second, I'm new to short esters, should I start the pct with nolva and clomid 5 days after last shot as opposed to 14 like long esters. Also planning on running 500 iu ew HCG throughout cycle but when should I start blasting it at 1000 iu per day and how long should I continue with that?

I am traveling on vacation about 4 weeks after cycle and hoping this is enough time so that my pct is finished by then.
8 week cycle is not worth it man, what cycle number is this for you? you have no business doing tren if your starting with aas.
8 week cycle is not worth it man, what cycle number is this for you? you have no business doing tren if your starting with aas.

My fourth cycle I'm 23, currently halfway through deca and test cycle.
Went from 185-211 in the last year at 15% bf.
Just wanted to cut for 8 weeks as I know Tren and test p will work pretty fast. If I don't do this short cycle I'll be off for 5 months and don't want that.
My fourth cycle I'm 23, currently halfway through deca and test cycle.
Went from 185-211 in the last year at 15% bf.
Just wanted to cut for 8 weeks as I know Tren and test p will work pretty fast. If I don't do this short cycle I'll be off for 5 months and don't want that.

First welcome, we promote using AAS as safe s possible. Cycling at your age I don't support.

WE still have no meaningful stats from you. 175-185 can't imagine how that looks not knowing you age.
lifting history, an idea of your protocol for you cycles.
First welcome, we promote using AAS as safe s possible. Cycling at your age I don't support.

WE still have no meaningful stats from you. 175-185 can't imagine how that looks not knowing you age.
lifting history, an idea of your protocol for you cycles.

I'm 23, 6'0 tall 211 lbs and 15% bodyfat, been lifting since I was 15 so eight years now, and am interested in getting into competing in the next year.

As for protocol idk what you mean, I am currently running 600 mg test E and 350 deca. Taking adex .25 Ed and HCG 500 iu a week. Finishing this cycle soon then pct and 3-4 months off which is when I was planning to cut with the cycle I first posted about.
Based on your goals and where you are at with the cycle you are coming off of, you could think about adding masteron if you can get your body fat down to say 12%ish before you kick off the cutting cycle.

A test prop, tren ace, mast prop cycle combined with the right diet and exercise could be the dog's bollocks.
Based on your goals and where you are at with the cycle you are coming off of, you could think about adding masteron if you can get your body fat down to say 12%ish before you kick off the cutting cycle.

A test prop, tren ace, mast prop cycle combined with the right diet and exercise could be the dog's bollocks.

I'm very eager to try Masteron just never considered using it with bulking compounds, what would be beginner dose to lean out but maintain the muscle I've put on in the first 6 weeks of this cycle?
Based on your goals and where you are at with the cycle you are coming off of, you could think about adding masteron if you can get your body fat down to say 12%ish before you kick off the cutting cycle.

A test prop, tren ace, mast prop cycle combined with the right diet and exercise could be the dog's bollocks.

I'm very eager to try Masteron just never considered using it with bulking compounds, what would be beginner dose to lean out but maintain the muscle I've put on in the first 6 weeks of this cycle?