
the price in mx is about $6.30 an amp.....it varies though I have seen it for up to 8$....depends on where you are...I love this shit......
This shit is so underdosed half the time it is ridiculous, and it hurts. Look at the 2nd amp in his pic. It is like a 1/2 cc
thats cause the other part is in the top half of the vial if u look closer. not that im justifying it or anything.
Who has used this stuff, and what effects did you see and to what extent was the pain when U injected the stuff, and did it cause a lump in your ass that hurt for days?
i have some to try but havent yet, in mexico they tell you its sustanon lol but its not it's just test e and prop but ive heard its really good stuff aside from the pain, and i honestly dout its like t400
Just got back from Mexico, this stuff hurt really bad. I am truly afraid to take more but am going to try one more time tonight. WTF, is this stuff safe? I have also come down with a nasty cough, not sure if it is coincidence...
Just got back from Mexico, this stuff hurt really bad. I am truly afraid to take more but am going to try one more time tonight. WTF, is this stuff safe? I have also come down with a nasty cough, not sure if it is coincidence...

the last post on this was made 4 year ago...
difficult to link it to a current stuff.

200mg prop have to hurt a lot. better to mix it with enanthate or cypionate.

just for info jelfa make 100mg/ml enanthate... look on the frame. it's 100% legit pharmaceutical stuff.