Testosterone Replacement Therapy Question and advice


New member
Hello, This is my first post. I have been reading different information in the forums over the past year. I am NOT new to TRT. I have been on TRT for the past three years. I started my TRT regimen with one of the mail in lab companies. Their program consisted of 200 to 400 mg of TRT every week for 12 to 16 weeks. Their PCT consisted of hCG for 15 days followed by clomiphene for three weeks. (Their PCT consisted of taking HCG with Clomiphene.)

I have cycled on and off close to this regimen over the past three years. I have Tepered my doses from the beginning of the cycle to the end of the cycle. (Starting around 100 mg and going up to 400 mg and back down) I have since had my primary care physician prescribe all my testosterone replacement therapy needs.

I am not going to go to my labs right now as I want to keep this shorter and brief. (My labs are in order, my diet is tight and I basically train like a maniac everyday). I have one main question. My question is this I have learned and I think I have also seen through my own personal experience that it's better to go on the lower dose of TRTover a longer period of time. My question is, I am confused as to when I hear people talk about staying on TRT forever. Cycling on and off seems to be the old way to do things in order to give your body a way to recover. Staying on TRT for over a year at a time or forever is still a bit scary to me. I'm not sure if is it a good idea. Do most of you really believe you can stay on TRT for years on end? What dose do you think it's safe to stay on TRT for long periods of time? I am currently cycling off a 20 week blast and cruise. However after my recovery. I plan on going on a long dose and a low dose of TRT. I am also going to incorporate 250 IU's of HCG every 3.5 days with my weekly shots. (I have never taken hCG during my therapy and have only taken it post cycle therapy in the past)

To simplify my question, what dose do you think it's safe to take for TRT over a long period of time and how long Is that? When I hear people discuss staying on it forever do you mean never having a recovery period During the TRT? Thank You in advance!! Slhardee
As the title of your thread states it's REPLACEMENT therapy, not a cruise, not a bridge, but to replace that which your body no longer makes on its own. I don't know where you were getting your mail-in service from, but you've been cycling AAS, which is NOT the same thing.

My question for you is, why do you feel you need TRT? Everything I read in your post indicates that you may be confused on what it is and what it does. Did you have low testosterone to begin with? If this is for physiological changes only, then yes - cycling off and on is how it is done. If this is to replace what you're no longer making, it is for life. I naturally produce less testosterone than a 14 year old girl; I don't come off testosterone to go back to that level, I stay in the upper range for healthy males permanently.

Welcome to 'ology, please feel free to ask any questions or clarification you may need. :)
Halfwit, thank you for the quick response. You have a valid question and I understand why you are asking it. I know I am basically doing two things at once. I have low-T. My tested range has been between 180 and 220. I guess I am still trying to get "dialed in". What dose do you take? When I go back on I am planning on taking approximately 60mg - 100 mg two times a week or every 3.5 days. (120-200 mg weekly w HCG). My other concern is the ability to have another child. My wife still wants one more child and I believe if I stay on this will lessen my chances of this. What are your thoughts?
Halfwit, thank you for the quick response. You have a valid question and I understand why you are asking it. I know I am basically doing two things at once. I have low-T. My tested range has been between 180 and 220. I guess I am still trying to get "dialed in". What dose do you take? When I go back on I am planning on taking approximately 60mg - 100 mg two times a week or every 3.5 days. (120-200 mg weekly w HCG). My other concern is the ability to have another child. My wife still wants one more child and I believe if I stay on this will lessen my chances of this. What are your thoughts?

Okay, now we're on the same wavelength. At those levels, you definitely belong on TRT (or a possible restart if secondary) and clearly do benefit from having optimal values of testosterone flowing through your veins. I personally take 125mg E3.5D, but I'm also a bit larger than most folks and am blessed with less than stellar androgen receptors. :( I think your suggested dose of 100mg E3.5D is more than enough (if not too much) to keep you at nice stable levels. This is where bloodwork comes into play as you would want to stay between 750ng/dL and 1200ng/dL for long-term therapy. I would just be sure that your estradiol is also within range, as many of us on higher protocols tend to have issues with that - which is bad news all around.

As far as fertility goes, over long periods of time you *may* become sterile. This is due to the fact that your leutinizing hormone is suppressed through your negative feedback loop, and it is the hormone "trigger" that tells your testes to manufacture sperm. There are many ways around this, but my personal feeling on it is to get a fertility test and bank some swimmers if more children in the future are even a possibility. This acts like an insurance policy, so just in case you can't bring the baby makers' back online, you have a backup plan.

As far as HCG goes, I do not personally believe it to be needed at doses higher than 500IU per week (250x2) and have seen great benefit from taking the hormone. Granted, this is not a one-size-fits-all dose, but I've found it to be a good fit for most.

You're in good hands here, there are many intelligent and experienced folks on these forums. Feel free to ask any and all questions you can think of. :)

Edit: Meant Follicle Stimulating Hormone, not LH. My bad.
Halfwit, we are definitely on the same wavelength. I have struggled with attempting to get dialed in. I believe I tried to up my dose of TRT and this actually has not benefited me. my new approach is going to be taking 250 Iu's of hCG which each of my injections every 3.5 days. I believe this is what I have been missing in the past. Thank you for your input!!
Halfwit, we are definitely on the same wavelength. I have struggled with attempting to get dialed in. I believe I tried to up my dose of TRT and this actually has not benefited me. my new approach is going to be taking 250 Iu's of hCG which each of my injections every 3.5 days. I believe this is what I have been missing in the past. Thank you for your input!!

Do you use an AI while on TRT? Do you monitor estradiol?
Okay, now we're on the same wavelength. At those levels, you definitely belong on TRT (or a possible restart if secondary) and clearly do benefit from having optimal values of testosterone flowing through your veins. I personally take 125mg E3.5D, but I'm also a bit larger than most folks and am blessed with less than stellar androgen receptors. :( I think your suggested dose of 100mg E3.5D is more than enough (if not too much) to keep you at nice stable levels. This is where bloodwork comes into play as you would want to stay between 750ng/dL and 1200ng/dL for long-term therapy. I would just be sure that your estradiol is also within range, as many of us on higher protocols tend to have issues with that - which is bad news all around.

As far as fertility goes, over long periods of time you *may* become sterile. This is due to the fact that your leutinizing hormone is suppressed through your negative feedback loop, and it is the hormone "trigger" that tells your testes to manufacture sperm. There are many ways around this, but my personal feeling on it is to get a fertility test and bank some swimmers if more children in the future are even a possibility. This acts like an insurance policy, so just in case you can't bring the baby makers' back online, you have a backup plan.

As far as HCG goes, I do not personally believe it to be needed at doses higher than 500IU per week (250x2) and have seen great benefit from taking the hormone. Granted, this is not a one-size-fits-all dose, but I've found it to be a good fit for most.

You're in good hands here, there are many intelligent and experienced folks on these forums. Feel free to ask any and all questions you can think of. :)

Edit: Meant Follicle Stimulating Hormone, not LH. My bad.

125 mg Test E3D would put me at 3000 ng/dl TT....
Yes, I have taken anti-estrogen's during the cycles I've been on for the past three years. I have been taking 1 mg of Anastrozole three times a week and 10 mg of tamoxifen two times a week. From what I've learned and read I know I have probably been taking too much of an anti-estrogen. I actually had the unfortunate situation of crashing my Estrogen around September when I was playing with my doses. Believe me, I never want to crash my estrogen again. It truly is a horrible feeling. I plan on taking .5 mg of Anastrozole in the future to every 100 mg of testosterone as suggested on this site. What are your guys thoughts on taking tamoxifen while on TRT?
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I plan on taking .5 mg of Anastrozole in the future to every 100 mg of testosterone as suggested on this site.

I crashed my E2 taking .5mg a week while taking 100mg of Test a week. I haven't taken any AI now for 4 weeks and finally got my E2 back to normal range. Getting your AI dosed properly is going to be tough without bloods done about every 4 weeks or so.