Testosterone suppositories


New member
OK, I know there will be some interesting responses. This is mostly a US forum, and suppositories aren't popular in the US - they can be a real pain in the arse. (There - I got the first one out of the way.)

But they totally accepted in Europe - they are just another way of administering drugs. (OK, now we're prepared for the European comments.)

I was introduced to them when I had real bad headaches - if I had anthing orally I'd chunder it straight back up, morphine would fix the headaches but they were reluctant to let me at morphine on my own :( So I was given Panadol suppositories, and discovered they worked quite well, even though Panadol does almost nothing for me orally.

I'm 61 years old, have been on AndroForte, a transdermal cream applied to the scrotum, for the last five months to treat Androgen deficiency, and it isn't doing a perfect job, so injecting a T ester, probably enanthate seems like the logical next step.

So I was talking to my compounding pharmacy yesterday and the suppository topic came up, and it seems they have no religious, ethical or moral objections to them, so I start researching them. And on the interwebz there seems to be some quite interesting views on it - the funniest was one on a gay forum - the poster was straight, but asked the question there because he felt he'd be taken more seriously!

Technically I can see it working excellently. I'd expect to see a very high proportion of the T to be absorbed, the first pass liver cleanse might be avoided, and it could be good. You would't need an ester, so you could use really cheap bioidentical T in a simple water suspension.

So I'm "putting it out there".

Comments please! (And at least a small proportion of them serious, I hope.)
I'm pretty sure the average meathead including myself would rather pin than stick something up my ass. Many guys enjoy pinning actually. Suppositories are gross and insanitary in my opinion. Then again though, I'm a germaphobe and straight as a rail.
As as said in the first posting of this thread injecting hormones is the best delivery system and the only one that should be used.

I think you will find most of the other comments to come will just be jokes and a pain in the ass for you to read.
I will stick to injections.. They are kind of exciting anyways, It reminds you you are on cycle and need to go hard!! in the gym and in the kitchen
Yeah, yeah. I knew I was asking for trouble!

(There are many more puns available, guys! You are letting me down! How about something about the Italian one - the innuendo? Or maybe "So that's why they call them endos!")

But seriously, aside from the whole idea of the method of getting the "thing" where it can be absorbed, it seems like a good idea . . .

Gel and cream have an absolutely lousy absorption rate, they can get on other people (no comments on that one please!) and the suppository method of delivery is very reliable.

Thanks for the two serious comments so far, guys. More puns required though.

One unfortunately named German company (can't think of it right now) was producing them.

One thing - this method appears only suitable for water-based substances. Maybe that means non-esterised T only, which would mean at least daily application.
Colon cancer is a MFer! What ever the carriers, solvents, binders and encapsulation of this suppository is, you may consider at least a brief study of the "inactive" or "delivery" compounds used in these.

As one guy mentioned the sanitary aspect . . . well there are two reasons.

My 3rd and final argument would be based on the frequency of administration of this suppository. IMO injecting a Test Undecylenate E10D would be cleaner, safer and more enjoyable then sticking something up your ass hole.

Call me weird but that's my .02
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OK, I know there will be some interesting responses. This is mostly a US forum, and suppositories aren't popular in the US - they can be a real pain in the arse. (There - I got the first one out of the way.)

But they totally accepted in Europe - they are just another way of administering drugs. (OK, now we're prepared for the European comments.)

I was introduced to them when I had real bad headaches - if I had anthing orally I'd chunder it straight back up, morphine would fix the headaches but they were reluctant to let me at morphine on my own :( So I was given Panadol suppositories, and discovered they worked quite well, even though Panadol does almost nothing for me orally.

I'm 61 years old, have been on AndroForte, a transdermal cream applied to the scrotum, for the last five months to treat Androgen deficiency, and it isn't doing a perfect job, so injecting a T ester, probably enanthate seems like the logical next step.

So I was talking to my compounding pharmacy yesterday and the suppository topic came up, and it seems they have no religious, ethical or moral objections to them, so I start researching them. And on the interwebz there seems to be some quite interesting views on it - the funniest was one on a gay forum - the poster was straight, but asked the question there because he felt he'd be taken more seriously!

Technically I can see it working excellently. I'd expect to see a very high proportion of the T to be absorbed, the first pass liver cleanse might be avoided, and it could be good. You would't need an ester, so you could use really cheap bioidentical T in a simple water suspension.

So I'm "putting it out there".

Comments please! (And at least a small proportion of them serious, I hope.)

Sounds like your using this whole European way of using test up your ass as an excuse bro and justifiably, If you you like the feeling than do it, to each his own.
tired of being the butt end of the jokes?

man, I had concussion headaches from a work accident and still suffer from them after three years. they never asked me about sticking anything up my ass, and I thought I tried every med possible.There was one Doctor I wouldn't have dropped the soap around though.
I think I would consider the colon cancer agents as was mentioned. also, I think I would rather crush them up and smoke them before taking them up the ass.
For information sake, suppositories aren't popular herein Canada either, it's not just you Yanks.
I would consider it but my GF says injecting gear makes me look cooler.. up the tail pipe is a down grade in the "I look badass" category for sure.
I would consider it but my GF says injecting gear makes me look cooler.. up the tail pipe is a down grade in the "I look badass" category for sure.

i just lol'd

im sure it has similar issues as subligual and youd probably have to do it every day. if ur not gay when u start u soon will be

it does exist from Germany

* T Berco Suppositorien 40 mg/S; Funke G * - it's Testo Proprionate
I forgot to mention that I know my sexuality hence this wouldn't be an option in my book. I'd rather stay natty in that case than put something up the pooper everyday.
germaphobe,, whats that got to do with anything??

I'm pretty sure the average meathead including myself would rather pin than stick something up my ass. Many guys enjoy pinning actually. Suppositories are gross and insanitary in my opinion. Then again though, I'm a germaphobe and straight as a rail.

I think its a great idea,, absorbtion happens much better rectally than Itra-Muscular,, in fact i would say its right behind intra venously,,