The best amino acid


Competing soon...
Except L-Glutamine, what is the best individual amino acid? Do u have any experience about it? (L-Arginine, L-Tyrosine etc....) or it is just waste of money?? I know L-Arginine increases insulin and GH... is it really that good?? write about your experiences....
Whichever one you are most deficient in.

GABA is better for GH increase, but other than a little sleep improvement dont expect to see anything from it even after months of use. I was running it 5 grams a day.
i would go not w/one but 3: the bcaa's but thats just me and in actuallity i have to go with all the essential ones too...ur not gonna grow w/out them..
I think taurine is the most underated amino out there. It's dirt cheap, maybe that's why.

It helps with all kinds of things, and you can get it in a powder and it's tasteless.
I stack L'glutamine and L'Arginine on a daily basis, awesome pumps, quick recovery, increase in immune system was noticed also.

I hit about 8g of Glutamine and about 10g Of arginine on a daily basis.. It's hard to say how much one should take though.. if you start noticing diareah, I'd settle down some on the L'Arginine.

Taurine is also good to add into the mix, i find it works best post workout.
8g of glutamine doesnt even make it out of the gut, you need to up that to around 40g a day.
Suareezay, why/what about caffeine


I know absolutely zero about all this but am reading everybody's posts and taking furious notes since I consider everyone here serious experts.

I read yours:

1000mg L-tyrosine + 200mg caffeine + 1 medium banana = awesome workout.

and researched the L-tyrosine and am a big time banana fan, but the caffeine? Is there some synergistic effect or something so obvious I'm not seeing it? I drink a lot of coffee, does this count in the workouts or is it a supplement or what? Thanks in advance and thanks for your initial reply, too.
cruz said:

I know absolutely zero about all this but am reading everybody's posts and taking furious notes since I consider everyone here serious experts.

I read yours:

1000mg L-tyrosine + 200mg caffeine + 1 medium banana = awesome workout.

and researched the L-tyrosine and am a big time banana fan, but the caffeine? Is there some synergistic effect or something so obvious I'm not seeing it? I drink a lot of coffee, does this count in the workouts or is it a supplement or what? Thanks in advance and thanks for your initial reply, too.
LOL....very few people here are serious experts....i am by no means an expert either....i am just recommending a supplement that works for me and everyone else I know of that uses it.

L-tyrosine is one of the main ingredients in Nerostim.

There is no synergistic effect that im aware of, I just use the caffeine for a pre workout boost. I dont take caffeine or l tyrosine any other time of the day. I dont have a clue how much caffeine is in coffee, but most caffeiene serving sizes are 200mg.

BCAA's are another good one, but im a little fuzy on how much to take a day. I was under the impression that 5g pre and 5g post workout were enough, but today I was told (by a very knowledgeable, and big for that matter, guy) that 50g split up between pre, during, and post workout is the way to go. So i cant really give any adive there.