The Best Gyms (Combat Sports)

Muay Thai Guy

New member
I was wondering what everyone thought the best gyms and camps were for combat sports around the world?

I'm not a major MMA brain so I wouldnt know butI would hazzard a guess at thinking something for MMA would be:

Chute Boxe - Brazil ???
Lions Den - USA ???

What do u guys think who know more?

As far as Muay Thai goes I would say:


Mejiro Gym - Holland
Vos Gym - Holland
Friends Gym - Holland
Masters Gym - Germany
Chinuk Gym - Belarus
Team Zeytoun - France


Kaewsamrit - Thailand
kiatmu9 - Thailand (Not a place foreigners will go tot rian though)
Fairtex - Thailand
Seidokaikan - Japan
Silverwolf Gym - Japan??? (only cos masato trains there lol)


Boonchu Gym - Australia
Nugget Gym - Australia
Liverpool Kickboxing - New Zealand
City Lee Gar - New Zealand


Fairtex - USA
Chute Boxe - Brazil
Mike Mile's - Canada??? (very controversial descision that lol)

so discuss

i bet this thread gets no replies
is that ur home town decameron?

in all seriousnoess though

the countryside fighters are mutants. All they do is train, have no distractions. Seriously these guys have the toughest shins and hugest legs in the world!!!

The only reason they dont get much exposure is because of lack of money for them to travel to bangkok frequently to fight at the bigger stardiums.

Kiatmu9 is lucky and it's fighter Singdam has shown just how great he is by winning Lumpinee titles and earning fighter of the year (though he was beaten by my boy Anuwat Kaewsamrit to get that title stripped off him)

Kiatmu9 is current gym of the year in thaland i think
Last year it was Kaewsamrit
As far as mma is concerned I would go with
Team Oyama
Beverly Hills Jiu Jitsu
Team Quest

in no particular order these are just in California
lol bigdaddy, my knowledge is not great trust me

Is beverley hills JJ where Genki Sudo trains?
Is that in Japan or in America?
Did you now that ALL the dutch trainers almost identically use the Thai-style of training. In the 70’s a lot of Dutch kick boxers who are now excellent trainers (André Mannaard, Fred Royers, Thom Harinck, etc) went to Thailand to learn about their training technique’s and you still can see that influence in the training methods today. The only difference is there is a lot more emphasis on boxing. And it seems that there is bit more emphasis on lot’s of combinations that alternate between high and low attacks.
Lauw i would sa there was a distinct difference between the thai style of training and the dutch style of training persoanlly

Dutch style tends to rely more on sparring elements whilst thai style is more relaxed and concentrates on padwork
Muay Thai Guy said:
also lets face it, the dutch are poor in the clinch. Only the Sitan Gym seem to be really good in the clinch
These look like fighting words to me.
And yes BH Jiu Jitsu is where Genki trains and Bas Rutten