The Rock's "Pain And Gain Diet"


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The Rock Reveals His "Pain & Gain" Diet
USA Today recently caught up with Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and he revealed the following about the diet plan he used to bulk up for his role in "Pain & Gain:"

Meal one: ten-ounce beef fillet, two cups of oatmeal, two-egg omelet.

Meal two: eight ounces of cod, twelve ounces of sweet potatoes, one cup of steamed vegetables (onions, peppers, mushrooms).

Meal three: eight ounces of chicken, two cups of white rice, one cup of vegetables.

Meal four: eight more ounces of cod, two cups of rice, one cup of vegetables.

Meal five: eight ounces of steak, twelve ounces of baked potato fries, a salad.

Meal six: ten ounces of cod, two more cups of rice, another salad.

Meal seven: thirty grams of casein protein powder, ten-egg-white omelet, one cup of vegetables, one tablespoon of Omega-3 fish oil.

Johnson added, "There's a right way and a wrong way to bulk up for a film. The wrong way is to eat as much garbage as you can for weeks on end, which actors have the tendency of doing. It's unhealthy and puts an incredible amount of stress on your body, joints, tendons and digestive system. The right way is to bulk up with good complex carbs and protein/fat sources."
I'd be gagging after a week of that. Way too much cod imo. I'd hope this is just a sample of ONE day's diet - that would be far more reasonable. :)

Kind of on topic: I thought it was funny how many in the media made a big deal about Mark Wahlberg's weight gain yet he didn't look MASSIVE like Dwayne Johnson does. Before folks say Johnson's not a big dude; remember, he's 6'4". It's DAMN hard to look big when you are taller, especially in the arms department.
Why everyone tries to emulate another man's diet is beyond me. His diet has been tailored to his specific goals and stats. You cannot take that same diet and apply it to yourself without modification and expect the same results.
nice diet. i would ditch the steak for something easier on my cholesterol and stomach lining Lol... i remember as a 18 yr old kid i had a similar diet because i was trying to break the 200 lb mark. i ate tons of shitty quality carbs . i think it was like 2 boxes of macaroni . horrible. i like the look of the rock's diet. im gonna try it out this winter.
You think this diet is more bulking then cutting? How would you modify that for yourself depending on how shorter/weight you are than Rock?
I likes me some cod, but then again, I like my cod a la fish n chips, so I don't get much of it. Man, I wish I could afford to eat like that every day for an extended period of time