Thyroid Problems and Low Testosterone


New member
Hey guys, I thought about separating this into two posts but I thought giving the whole picture would be beneficial.

Me: 39 years old; approximately 235 pounds(up from about 220); recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's (hypothyroid)

About a year ago, I was feeling very lethargic and having aches and pains so I went to a doctor my buddy is using for TRT. He did my bloodwork and discovered I had low testosterone but also referred me to an Endocrinologist because I had what would eventually be diagnosed as Hashimoto's. He recommended TRT (injections) but decided to put me on a combination of clomid/arimidex for a few months so I could bank sperm prior to becoming sterile. On my 3 month visit, my testosterone and free testosterone both looked good so I decided to just stay on the clomid/arimidex rather than start injecting. Been on it for a year.

About 9 months ago I got in to the Endocrinologist and started on Synthroid for my Hashiomotos. I started on 50, then up to 75, then up to 100 and NOW I am taking 150 per day against doctor's orders because I feel the doctor is being too conservative and I continue to gain weight despite good diet and exercise.

I recently had a visit with Doctor #1 and told of my alarming weight gain and he said that despite my bloodwork, the clomid/arimidex might be producing too much estrogen (I might have gyno, but not sure if it is just the additional 20 pounds). He took bloodwork which we get back this week and said he anticipated putting me on injectable testosterone and T3. It looks like that is what I will be doing.

1. If anyone out there has had a similar experience, I would love to hear how it turned out.

2. If anyone is taking T3 long term for hypothyroidism, what are your experienced RE: weight loss? I know the concerns about "messing up" your thyroid, but mine is already screwed anyway. Will taking a large dose help me finally lose the weight.

3. Any suggestions on the sequence? I have read that maybe I want to start the test before the T3.

Any other words of advice would be appreciated. I am losing my mind with this weight gain.