TNE must be a big secret

If you have a solvent in the mix that dissolves TNE it is not longer a suspension. Unless the water is dissolving in and saturating this said solvent, then the powder will precipitate out (or not be dissolved in the first place). Say you inject solvated TNE, the solvent is likely going to be washed away quickly leaving nice fat crystals to grow and cause mad pain. I recon the best method is to suspend micronized powder in a water/surfactant(PS80)/emulsion stabilizer(CMC) with only a small (necessary?) 1%BA. The process of micronizing then homogenizing after the liquids are added is going to make all the difference (the finest suspension possible). Problem is you can never pass these particles past a .45um filter (well maybe, is it possible to make powder that small). So people dissolve it in guiacol first. Not ideal.
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