To start first cycle or not?


New member
Hey guys,

This is my first time posting on this forum. I have read a lot of posts on here and have been doing research for my first cycle for the last 3 months or so.

I am super keen to start my first cycle on Test E and have just had my bloods done a week ago however I have a 2 week Europe trip booked in exactly 12 weeks from now.... I have been thinking I might have to hold off on starting until I get back from my trip but I would REALLY like to start now and have a bit more size for my Euro summer trip. Looking for some advice from the more experienced guys on whether I could get away with it or whether I should just hold off and start when I get back. I will be drinking and partying fairly hard for 2 weeks while I am over there so would likely affect my gains and mood if jacked full of Test E.

I'm 29, 189cm, 205lb/93kg, been training for about 5 years on and off, currently at around 20% bf... I understand it is better to start at a lower bf% but I'm keen to start where I'm at.

Planning on running 500mg Test E split into 2 pins per week
I have Aromasin, also have Nolvadex for PCT running 40/40/20/20 when the time comes.

Advice on the question first would be great and any advice on my cycle would also be appreciated!
your bf% is too high, do you know the dangers of cycling when its too high? get it down first, whats your diet like?
I have read that there is an increased risk of side effects the higher your body fat percentage. I have read through a lot of posts as well though of people who have started with a higher than recommended bf% and have been fine.
Even with an AI you wouldn't recommend it?