tren A / Test E ?! First time running Tren


New member
Hey guys. This will be my third cycle,
My first two cycles were just Test E 250mg/ml and ran at 500mg per week for 12 weeks.

This last one I went 220 to 238lbs and my bench went 265 to 405 within the 12 weeks. My diet is Clean.

What I was thinking about running is

Test E at 500/week
Week 1-12
Tren ace. 75mg EOD
Week 2-8
Week 14-18

I guess what I'm wondering is first, am I able to put tren A and test E in the same pin? And should I add anything to my cycle or adjust anything ??? I chose tren A just in case I get sides I can hop off it more easily then E. Would love some help since most other forums arent too specific to me , thanks !
yes you can mix test and tren in the same pin, but i like the idea of a test prop and tren ace cycle, pinning tren every day and test every other day. but you really wont see much at 75mg EOD, i always start at 50mg ED but thats just me. and get a prolactin blocker on hand like clomid, prami, bromo or whatever else they have out there.
I'm doing test e. At 600/week and tren a. At 75 mg EOD. And it's working great for me. I'm 6 weeks in and I'm really seeing my body change a lot. And not much for sides besides a little sweat while sleep.
Thanks guys ! Helps a lot , I was debating test prop but isn't that for shorter cycles ? I was maybe thinking about doing a 16week if I feel good enough at the end of 10 or 12