Tren Ace Cycle after Test cycle


New member
I am on TRT and about to finish my first blast of 500mg a week everything went as expected, but now I want to run a TREN ACE cycle, how bad would it be to run it after only cruising for 4 weeks after my 1st blast, should i wait 3 months, because of the time on equals time on except for me it would be time blasting equals time cruising, or could I just run the tren cycle 4 weeks after the bloat is gone?
Mid cycle everything was good, because I am not currently done with the entire cycle, but as soon as I finish this cycle I will do another bloodwork. If everything is still fine, then what would you advice?
And also what would be a good way to use it for cutting my plan would be
Tren Ace 50mg ED Weeks 1-8
Test E 125mg E5D Weeks1-8
Caber .25mg Mondady and Thursday
Adex on hand.
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Mid cycle everything was good, because I am not currently done with the entire cycle, but as soon as I finish this cycle I will do another bloodwork. If everything is still fine, then what would you advice?

I would advise getting blood work. Make sure lipids, hematocrit and all your organs are back to normal levels. BP back to normal. And so on. And make sure you feel good. If everything looks and feels OK you can cut the Off period short. But please remember that blasts do atress your body. The Off period is about more than just HPTA recovery. You have your whole life ahead of you to run blasts so be patient.
No man that was actually pretty quick haha sorry, but OK then I will wait for bloodwork and make a decision based on that, what do you think about the cycle I posted?