Tren Ace/Sust Post cycle help...


New member
So I recently got a bad batch of sust and tren and well didn't figure any of this out until I didn't feel anything after 2 weeks of pinning tren ace(usually feel sides and strength gains by week2) this had me skeptical so I got blood work done and everything was too normal.. So I just ordered some more and I'm going to start again in about a week. My question is I had everything planned out I have caber, clomid, arimadex, and also some hcg for when I need it but I was wandering if it would hurt me if I waited a week after my last pin to start the pct. although going ahead and doing hcg blast on the last two weeks on my cycle... Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated this is due to a cruise I already paid a lot of money for and I'm too scared to try to get that shit on the ship. So basically the main question is can I wait a week after 100 tren ace eod and 200 sust eod 8 week cycle before I start my pct?
If your sust was bunk then why do a pct? Waiting a week after ending a "legit" cycle to start pct is too soon. "Legit" sust is recommended to wait up to 28 days due to long esters. Can you clear something up? What do you mean by having hcg as needed? It's recommended to use from beginning of cycle up to pct...
if your gear is "bad" and did not change your blood levels and is therefore bunk,, why the heck are you going to continue to pin it and run a pct?
just get legit gear and run it when you get it
Sorry guys I wasn't clear at all. I ordered new stuff and yes indeed I am still pinning just because I'm hoping its way under doses and is doing a little something LOL. Anyways I was jw if after I buy my new gear and start my cycle if it would be able to wait a week before I start clomid because I usually start it 3 says after a tren cycle just in case. I also usually don't use hcg all the way through the cycle because I'm a believer in the old school use of it. It's always worked for my body so why stop you know? Thanks so much for the input guys!
did your blood test reveal if you were shut down or not (LH levels)? even a very small dose will shut you down . if your not shut down at all, then your just injecting oil
Very true God damnit lol roush you've been very helpful these past couple days I've got to say I fuckin appreciate it haha