Tren Ace Test E cycle advice


New member
Hey guys, I am 25 years old, 5'10 at 185 pounds with 10% body fat.

I am toying with the idea of running a tren cycle and i wanna post my plan and make sure everything looks good to go. I've run two previous cycles, both were Test E only cycles. I have two vials of test E left over so i will be using this as my base. Plan to only run Tren for 6 weeks

Week 1-12 Test E 250mg EW
Week 4-10 Tren Ace 75mg EOD for 300mg a week

I am planning on obtaining a caber and running it .25mg e3d.
Also will have Armidex on hand.

For PCT:
HCG Blast at 500Ui for 10 days 2 weeks after last test pin
Clomid 100/50/50/50

Any advice or changes would be appreciated!
Too early for tren, you really should experiment with other compounds first, and 6 weeks is honestly a waste - even with acetate. Your body (even on GRAMS of AAS) can only change so much in a given amount of time.

I'd honestly try something like nandrolone, so you can get your feet wet with 19-nors before you go wrestling with tren.

My .02c :)
Hey guys, I am 25 years old, 5'10 at 185 pounds with 10% body fat.

I am toying with the idea of running a tren cycle and i wanna post my plan and make sure everything looks good to go. I've run two previous cycles, both were Test E only cycles. I have two vials of test E left over so i will be using this as my base. Plan to only run Tren for 6 weeks

Week 1-12 Test E 250mg EW
Week 4-10 Tren Ace 75mg EOD for 300mg a week

I am planning on obtaining a caber and running it .25mg e3d.
Also will have Armidex on hand.

For PCT:
HCG Blast at 500Ui for 10 days 2 weeks after last test pin
Clomid 100/50/50/50

Any advice or changes would be appreciated!

I find test at 250mg EW a waste, esp if your tren dosage is quite low. I'd be at 350-400mg at least to start tren.

HOWEVER, I don't think you should be running it:

1/ Your AI (adex) is on hand and not being run, silly
2/ You're using HCG in PCT, it's surpressive to your HPTA so should not be run. It should be run during cycle
3/ Only clomid for PCT and no nolva
4/ 50/50/50/50 is fine for clomid, or 75/50/50/50...
100 is a shitload and a bit dangerous imo