tren kickstart?


New member
Hey I am going to be running my 2nd and last cycle soon (previous cycle test e and dbol 1 year prior). I posted earlier that since this is my last cycle I wanted to try tren, but already have deca on hand. So instead of trashing the deca I've decided to kickstart my cycle with tren. Cycle as follows:

Weeks 1-16 Test e 600 mg
Weeks 1-3 Tren A 100mg eod
Weeks 3-15 Deca 300-400mg

i realize there will be some overlap of the 19-nors but the deca t 1/2 is so long i figure that overlap and compounded progesterone sides will be minimized. i also may up the prami for week 3. I realized that its not really recommended to run tren on a second cycle, but since this is my last cycle wanted to give tren a try.

any input? or is there any1 who has run a similar cycle?
Have you ever ran Prami before and does it work for you? Reason I'm asking is that I was running Tren and was taking Prami and my Prolactin / Progesterone levels are now through the roof... Prami did absolutely nothing to prevent or help with this....

Everyone is different though but just make sure your GTG when running Deca or Tren.

Getting Cabergoline in pill form is a major PITA in my experience!
Your only running tren for 3 weeks ? If so thats pointless in my opinion. It takes around 3 weeks to even start noticing it. I would either run the test / deca for a full cycle or get a full cycle of tren and run a full test / tren cycle.
Hey I am going to be running my 2nd and last cycle soon (previous cycle test e and dbol 1 year prior). I posted earlier that since this is my last cycle I wanted to try tren, but already have deca on hand. So instead of trashing the deca I've decided to kickstart my cycle with tren. Cycle as follows:

Weeks 1-16 Test e 600 mg
Weeks 1-3 Tren A 100mg eod
Weeks 3-15 Deca 300-400mg

i realize there will be some overlap of the 19-nors but the deca t 1/2 is so long i figure that overlap and compounded progesterone sides will be minimized. i also may up the prami for week 3. I realized that its not really recommended to run tren on a second cycle, but since this is my last cycle wanted to give tren a try.

any input? or is there any1 who has run a similar cycle?

uhmmmm, that cycle looks wack. no hate but uhhh, y 3 diff injectables?

IMO, you would look to do better if you ran tren for 6-8weeks for the first portion, then just finish it out with the test. You won't get the maximum gains from tren in that short of time. 6wks would be good.
i realize there will be some overlap of the 19-nors but the deca t 1/2 is so long i figure that overlap and compounded progesterone sides will be minimized.

wrong. NOT running tren with deca will minimize prog sides.

I agree with others. Three weeks of tren is a waste. You need to pick EITHER tren OR deca since you have absolutely no experience with either.

If you really want to try tren then drop the deca. I would personally suggest you just run the deca cycle now and run a short 8-10 week cycle of prop and tren ace in the future.
why is 3 weeks a waste of tren? it would be ace, so i should notice results relatively shortly after starting. I could run the tren a little longer and do it for 4 weeks. i am aware that this is not a standard cycle, but for the reasons i stated orginally i wanted to try this.
Im on week 5 of Tren A @75mg EOD & Week 6 of Test P @100mg EOD. I would have to say that the tren never kicked in until atleast weeks 4! I am starting to GREAT results now!Any less than 6 weeks is a waste IMO! Shit just look at my pic overthere <----------------------
really you only started feeling tren a on week 4? was it tren e? its a short ester and the half life is somewhere around 2 days. i assumed the effects would be similiar to prop, in that they both kick in relatively quick.
Nope Tren A. Thought I "felt" felt it after week 2 but it was still just prop. You'll know when the Tren kicks in! I actually have to hold myself back on workouts now! I find there is no limit to what I can lift! But I'm trying to be smart & not destroy any tendons or ligaments! It truly is send down from the God's! You'll know!
Hey I am going to be running my 2nd and last cycle soon (previous cycle test e and dbol 1 year prior). I posted earlier that since this is my last cycle I wanted to try tren, but already have deca on hand. So instead of trashing the deca I've decided to kickstart my cycle with tren. Cycle as follows:

Weeks 1-16 Test e 600 mg
Weeks 1-3 Tren A 100mg eod
Weeks 3-15 Deca 300-400mg

i realize there will be some overlap of the 19-nors but the deca t 1/2 is so long i figure that overlap and compounded progesterone sides will be minimized. i also may up the prami for week 3. I realized that its not really recommended to run tren on a second cycle, but since this is my last cycle wanted to give tren a try.

any input? or is there any1 who has run a similar cycle?

Y, I've never heard of such nonsense....hmmmm. (scratching chin, eyebrow raised).