tren myth or reality? (ace vs enanthate)


New member
So I have been a part of the community for awhile now but have still never used AAS other than my prescription for TRT. I am curious as I've been hearing people say that Tren E is "sides in a bottle" and "can't change your body like Ace." This doesn't make sense to me as the only thing different is the ester?

so I have a couple questions about tren

1. Is this bro science or do you guys actually notice a difference when running one vs the other in physical changes and sides?

2. how long does tren E take to start having an effect in both sides and strength/physical appearance?

3. What is a conservative starting dose for a tren E cycle?

at this point I'm just researching per usual and trying to get a full clear understanding. seems like another one of those issues where one forum is in agreement that ace has less sides and another forum is in complete agreement that they're the same... would appreciate help of the vets here.
ok ... firsty ... when i saw ur post .. i swear i read "Try Meth , or reality " LOL .. now that thats out of the way .... 1) thats shits all bro science .. on the end , tren is tren . The enanthate or ace esters are only going to determine how long it takes for the hormone to be dispersed in your body . 2)The E or Enanthate ester is about 2 weeks long . Meaning if you take a 200mg shot , it will be in your system for about 2 weeks, where as A Acetate is in and out within about 3 days . Acetate being a shorter ester will hit you alot faster as in those 200mg u take are fully in your bosy in a shorter amount if time where as enanthate take 2 weeks for the same mount . the hormone is the same ... just longer release time . So A will hit you faster and cycles can be shorter .. but u have much more frequent injections . E will take longer to fully peak ... bu u only need to inject 2x a week . 3) every tren cycle i have done has been with E . including my first . ive done 400mg pre week (200mg 2x a week) . E however is not recommended always as a first cycle wiht tren cause it can cause nasty sides for some . meaning if u start getting nasty side while on trene .. it will take 2 weeks to fully go away if u decide to stop it
u will start to notice tren e usually "kick in" around week 4-5 depending on user . Where as most on tren A notice it within 2 weeks . Body compositions will be the exact same whether u use E or A . because tren is tren ... just time differences .
So I have been a part of the community for awhile now but have still never used AAS other than my prescription for TRT. I am curious as I've been hearing people say that Tren E is "sides in a bottle" and "can't change your body like Ace." This doesn't make sense to me as the only thing different is the ester?

so I have a couple questions about tren

1. Is this bro science or do you guys actually notice a difference when running one vs the other in physical changes and sides?

2. how long does tren E take to start having an effect in both sides and strength/physical appearance?

3. What is a conservative starting dose for a tren E cycle?

at this point I'm just researching per usual and trying to get a full clear understanding. seems like another one of those issues where one forum is in agreement that ace has less sides and another forum is in complete agreement that they're the same... would appreciate help of the vets here.

i like trene more than trenA, BUT i ALWASY rec trna first couple gos with tren, atleast first cycle, because sides can be pretty bad and with ace atleast its out quick if it doesnt agree with you worse than others.
others that just jump on trene first go around i can see why they would complain. I like trenE though
thanks guys, both great responses and about what I was thinking. i just can't understand why these jacked experienced users i know keep saying that they use ace for cutting and you can't get shredded on E... where do these guys get this stuff?

as far as sides go, is doing 200mg/ tren E with 300mg Test E something you would expect significant sides from in your experience? meaning are the "nasty sides" of tren dependent on dosage heavily?
I find Acetate to be far more effective out of the two. I look much better on Ace and I look much better much faster. Visual changes are noticed, for me, in a matter of a few days. With no negative sides whatsoever.

I looked decent on Enanthate but nothing compared to Acetate. Why? I dont know. Also, every negative side you could possibly get i got, bad. They started at about week 3 and just got worse.

Both esters were ran at 700 with the exact same dose of Mast and Test each time.

Enanthate might be ok for you though, or it may not. So, for a first time user Id never recommend it. I would also recommend running something else as you first compound other than Test.

Personally I would NEVER run Enan again but Ace, without a doubt I would.
I've only ran Tren A. I like the ability to blast for a month and chill out for a bit then blast it again. Pinning EOD does get a little old though. I've always ran 250mg of Test and 100mg of Tren EOD and have always liked the results. Throw in some Masteron and I fell like I'm on cloud 9 all the time.
I find Acetate to be far more effective out of the two. I look much better on Ace and I look much better much faster. Visual changes are noticed, for me, in a matter of a few days. With no negative sides whatsoever.

I looked decent on Enanthate but nothing compared to Acetate. Why? I dont know. Also, every negative side you could possibly get i got, bad. They started at about week 3 and just got worse.

Both esters were ran at 700 with the exact same dose of Mast and Test each time.

Enanthate might be ok for you though, or it may not. So, for a first time user Id never recommend it. I would also recommend running something else as you first compound other than Test.

Personally I would NEVER run Enan again but Ace, without a doubt I would.

interdasting... were these both from the same lab? just wondering if maybe you had better ace than E or something?
I find Acetate to be far more effective out of the two. I look much better on Ace and I look much better much faster. Visual changes are noticed, for me, in a matter of a few days. With no negative sides whatsoever.

I looked decent on Enanthate but nothing compared to Acetate. Why? I dont know. Also, every negative side you could possibly get i got, bad. They started at about week 3 and just got worse.

Both esters were ran at 700 with the exact same dose of Mast and Test each time.

Enanthate might be ok for you though, or it may not. So, for a first time user Id never recommend it. I would also recommend running something else as you first compound other than Test.

Personally I would NEVER run Enan again but Ace, without a doubt I would.

While I'm the exact opposite. It's funny how even though we're all very similar, we're also all quite different. :)
I did ace last year and tren e this year. I didn't like pinning everyday but loved the results. Horny as hell and made gains like crazy. I did almost the same dose with tren e this year and didn't get bad sides but it just wasn't the same. I'm with shredder. I did find a tren blend that I'm going to try next. Many said you can pin just 3 times a week (m-w-f) and it works pretty good. We'll see come next spring...
interdasting... were these both from the same lab? just wondering if maybe you had better ace than E or something?

Same lab. I only run one lab, AML. Dont get me wrong, the Enan packed a punch but nothing like the Ace.

Tren Ace is the best compound over any other compound including Tren E IMO.

For whats its worth I have friends who have ran both as well from other labs and say the same thing. Ace over Enan for effectiveness.

Ive also talked to and many guys who cant touch E but are all good with A. These are advanced users too.
I did ace last year and tren e this year. I didn't like pinning everyday but loved the results. Horny as hell and made gains like crazy. I did almost the same dose with tren e this year and didn't get bad sides but it just wasn't the same. I'm with shredder. I did find a tren blend that I'm going to try next. Many said you can pin just 3 times a week (m-w-f) and it works pretty good. We'll see come next spring...

Exactly. With Ace its like new gains every time you pin, its crazy.
I hear that Tren E is very rare to pull the Tren cough side, even if some of it gets into ur vein or touches it. Although compared to Ace in which it's very common and occurs asap.

Ace is also mg for mg stronger compared to Enth.

I had this debate with myself, so I bought a Tri Tren blend 150mg. I was planning on doing 300mg Tri tren PW. Pin it twice a week with 500 test E too. See how it works, but at the same time I also bought Tren E too just incase as a back up.

Anyone have opinions on Tri Tren while were talking about tren in general?