Tren post injection cough


New member
Running tren ace (Genomex)
Fuck me, I have run tren plenty of times and never experienced t
the cough so much right after injection, almost happens after every inject, right now pinning 200mg eod and it seems like once I get down under 1/2ml I can usually feel it coming on lol, as I am.kinda use to it now
Anybody else experience this side effect post injection?
You will be dead by the end of the week from the tren cough. Send me your trenbolone before you die and I promise to get a rest in peace Matt0071 tattoo on my chest.
Where u been MAtt ?

First time I ever pinned I did a 200 mg tren E pin and literally had to take a knee. The cough was so bad I thought my sphincster was gonna was alarming as --ck. I swore off tren for life after pinning same dose 3 days later and the same scenario followed plus very vivid BAD dreams.

Fast forward to lat fall and I mixed tren a w prop 50-50 and ALMOST negated the cough completely. I started last Monday w PSL s tren a and prop 50/50 m-w-f with a test c 250 Sunday nights. ( I take 1 cc test c every Sunday after I bathe Sunday s as that s my trt protocol..when I break out I double it to 2 and dabble).

I usually get the a bad metallic pre-cough taste if I m gonna have more than just a light cough. Personally I ve found 75 mg per pin to be MY max cough free pin and also...Zilla and I believe..the closer to the cardio pulmonary system the more likely WE are subject to it. But that s US.

My avi is current...and I love my 50/50 ! When my m1t arrives I may go 75/75 but to lean outmore....

Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Seriously bud, people have the tren cough often. I think that running 200 mg eod is not the best way to run it. I think that running 100 ed would yield fewer sides because you will have more stable levels and each shot will be a smaller volume (less cough when shooting). Good luck man, kill shit in the gym, and you will be ok.
tren e never gives it to me but tren a gives it to me quite often. It seems to become less and less as my cycles continue. Just my .02
Lol yeah kinda use to it as stated, this is funny but heard sticking your head in the freezer worked, I laughed when I heard this I was like what is this clown talking about, but this clown had to try it haha, and kinda worked at least took some of the harsh coughing out of the equation and cooled me down as well lol then the gf came home as I head my head stuck in the freezer haha
I honestly think we do get used to the compound...................the bodies amazing in it s adaptability.
Well I am a tren molecule it seems like pretty much the only side I suffer with tren, but it does sucks when it first happens but do get use to it lol, hate to say that but it's true
Pretty much on track with this cut with 3j ranging 1 1/2 to 2lbs loss per week last week was at 224.8lbs so hopefully another few pound loss as I weigh myself tomorrow, getting leaner, taking this cut slow and slowly seeing the veins starting to pop out once again :) 3 weeks into this another 8 to 10 weeks to go :)
Wondering if anu body has tried using a smaller needle?
maybe not going as deep to nick veins
Say for delts using 5/8"
I am currently using 23g by 1" for delts and glutes
Shit, I remember the first time I got the infamous tren cough. It was from 1cc in the quad. Holy shit I thought I was dropping dead! My face was so red it was purple. My eyes were red and tearing up bad! I couldn't breathe! Hahahaha shit got me good! If I pin delts and glutes, I haven't had an issue yet.
Yeah going to try the 5/8" in delt and see if that helps :)
As I heard all it takes is one little drop of tren to enter the stream and will set things off
Never had this issue till this blast so maybe it's there ba content as well
But it states 2 percent ba content on vial, who knows
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What I do believe is injecting more then 1ml per I injection as I am injecting 2ml and as.stated everything is fine till about the last 1/2ml and I can feel it come on, tonight tested doing 1ml in one delt and 1ml into.other delt and no tren cough tonight