Tren is probably the strongest gear I have ever used...I got strong as a MF and my vascularity was amazing...the sides kill me...remember we are all effected differently, so the sides I experienced may not occur for sides were blood pressure went off the charts, I became an asshole, got angry easily and could not calm down...I quit using it at week 7 as my gf was about to leave me because of my enormous change in I said I became an arrogant the begining I could not sleep either, but about week 2-3 that went away...pumps are fucking awesome, I sweated like a fucking beast opinion is give it a try as we all react differently to each AAS. This question has been asked many times in other threads ans you will see the difference in effects on all of us by reading them (ask a mod, maybe they can find one of the other threads on this)...some people swear by it and experience nothing bad like I did...the only way you will know is to give it a try...