True Protein

whey protein is whey protein, there is no mix. unless you just want a mix of different wheys, which is uneccesary. Just get whey concentrate if it doesnt bother your stomach. If concentrate bothers your stomach, get whey isolate ion-x or cold filtration.

A good popular blend used by the TP guys is 40/40/20% WPI/egg white/micellar casein

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I use the Whey Isolate cold filtration. Have been meaning to order casein, but always forgetting. Maybe Suareezay will be nice enough to order it for me. :)
I used to get the Isolate Cold-Filtration, but now I'm a fan of the TeamSkip blend.

You might also want to check out the BSL Premium flavours. They cost a bit extra, but well worth it.

I have their CEE as well, which is good. Tastes like shit (All CEE does), but it works well.

I also have thier Taurine and Green tea Extract.