Uneducated steroid user to TRT!


New member
Hi everyone! This may be a mouthful..sorry:) I have used a few cycles, but was not super educated. I went off 4 months of about 400mg/week of test cyp and winstrol using 4 weeks of clomid as PCT about 3 months ago and my energy levels, strength, sex drive, etc have been extremely down. I just got put on TRT of 200mg every other week of test cyp(Seems like a super low dose to me). They said they will do blood work after 6 weeks again.

My end goal is to long term steroid use. Yes I said that. Using steroids in a safe "as healthy as possible" way while being checked.

As a whole, I guess I am here looking for two things. 1. Anyone know a doctor in the philly area, that understand steroids. Not so sure the Eurologist I went too does. 2. Any advice at all giving the situation above.

- 5,9 210 pounds and 10% bodyfat
- Total testosterone at check 2 months ago: 351.8 ng/dL
- Free testosterone at check 2 months ago: 56 pg/mL
Split your doses to 100mg every week or 50mg every 3.5days... tell the doc you want HCG to preserve future fertility.

Since you want to take steroids long term you will be blasting & cursing .. which is cycling and trt dose, have a look on this forum for that term, many do it.
Its hard for me to remember exact amounts.
Cycle 1: Test & Deca 4 months (23 years old)
Cycle 2: Test 4 months (34 years old)
Cycle3: Cutting cycle: Test Prop(500mg per week),Winstrol, Arimedex, Clomid for 10 weeks (35 years old)
Hmm. That is kind of what I was thinking would be the answer. Thanks! What are the short and long term effects of this? Are there docs out there that will work with you if you want to do this?
I am 36. So drop the TRT? Should I look for a new doc?

No, dont drop the TRT, your on 100mg of Test Cyp per week based on what I read.

When your follow up happens, ask the doc about HCG for fertility preservation.

Split the 100mg... 50mg Sunday AM.... 50mg Wednesday eve.