up your MASS, any feed back


New member
i just started a new gainer, it seems pritty good. its ''up your mass'' made by MHP. its got 510 calories with 48g protien, 58 carbs, but the best part is its only got 1g suger so the carbs r all complex.
i just wanted to know if any 1 has tried it or has any feed back on it at all. thanks
Never heard of it. I usually just stick to Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey and that's fine for me. If I want to add some calories to it, I put in some natural Peanut Butter and a banana.
ya for my whey i stick with a plain whey protein also but since i am tryin to put on some weight right now i decided to take a gainer 2 times a day, in between my brekfast and lunch and before bed. but i am not sure about this product up your mass by MHP so if any 1 has herd of it or tryed it give me some feed back.
slick13 said:
do the weight gainers help u pot on muscle or do they just put on fat???

well right now i am on cycle so i need the extra cals and i am also a hard gainer so it helps out alot but all around i have a very clean diet.
stuff tastes like absolute crap.... but there is tons of cals in it, not all sugar so that is a plus, can say I gained weight because of since i was hittin gear hard, but I stay away solely for the taste