Update on my journey...a step closer to TRT...


New member
This is an update to the following thread:


I had more labs done after visiting the Urologist. He did a testosterone and PSA test done on the spot when I first saw him. He also ordered another PSA test and testicular cancer marker blood tests.

My 2nd PSA came back at 4 also, but the 3rd came back at 3.51 which is still high. I hadn't ejaculated in over 4 days so that should have been a solid PSA.

Here's the thing, my testosterone came back at 360. My previous results were 310 and 340. Both those were done early, around 8-8:30am. Whereas, the last one was done around 3pm. The difference is that I increased my fat intake drastically via fish oil, avocado, and whole milk daily. I guess increasing fats does up the T levels.

So, fast forward to 2 weeks later (today) when I finally got to talk to the Urologist on the phone...

He said he couldn't set me up on testosterone therapy being within normal range AND having a high PSA without doing a biopsy.

I kept my cool and asked if it was the case that the normal AVERAGE T for men my age is 600-700??

He said I would definitely feel better on testosterone, but he legally just couldn't do it with such a high PSA for my age unless I did a biopsy.

So, I clarified with him that if I did the biopsy, would he be OK putting me on TRT and he said he would. He said he thought it may be an uphill battle to get my insurance to cover it with me being in range, but mentioned I may be able to use the other two tests. He asked me how much the shots would cost as he usually deals with the gels. When I told him $45 for a 3 mos supply he was genuinely surprised. I called my local CVS to get a price quote using my insurance. She told me she used a 10ml vial for pricing.

Playing around with Express scripts which manages the insurance prescription plan, it seems I can get it even cheaper if i get a bunch of 100mg vials and home delivery at $33 for a 3mos supply!

He said if that was the "real thing" that was pretty cheap.

He made me understand that my natural T would shut down and it would be a life time therapy. I told him I understood.

My budget is very limited and he knows this is a concern with paying the 20% on the biopsy. He said he can try to get me into a trial where they use this new ultrasound technology for the biopsy and that may save me money.

I told him I would research it over the weekend and would contact him when he is in his office next Wednesday.

Next, I went to call my insurance to see if they would cover the Test Cypionate with a "Hypogonadism Male 257.2" diagnosis. They were closed, but I can call tomorrow morning.

I think they will cover it, but I can probably cover it out of pocket if I really had to.

The cost of blood work is crazy. I got a co-pay bill from LabCorp for $32.63 on a $1,138 blood panel! I'm not complaining, just glad I have insurance!

The darn Testosterone Free and total was a $354 test by itself! $174 just for Estradiol! WOW. This is from my first batch of blood work.

I'm pretty confident I don't have prostrate cancer; just run a high PSA just like my Dad who runs in the teens-30's and has had 6 biopsies over the last 15yrs- all negative. The digital rectal exam was totally negative and I have no symptoms.

Well, better safe then sorry anyway. At least I found a Urologist who is willing to 1) put me on TRT with a high PSA and 2) OK with doing shots.

My next step is to schedule a biopsy...I really don't want to wait long for that. Even if I have to do a standard biopsy and pay up the 20% it's worth it.

What is your estradiol at? It is though estradiol is what can cause prostate cancer. There is research that clearly indicates it is NOT testosterone. Sounds like your doc is still basing his decisions on old research. Go on PubMed if you want to find the studies.

Oh, and loom at privatemdlabs in my signature. You will see how cheap those panels really are if you buy them yourself. They send you to Labcorp to have the blood work done.
My estradiol is at 33 at last check.

I still have those links you provided, but I didn't feel it was my place to start arguing with the guy who is willing to get me on TRT. I'll see him in person soon and present the info. It wouldn't be entirely bad to get a biopsy done to rule prostate cancer out. I tried calling the insurance company and they are closed due to the holiday.

Actually, privatelabs uses Quest in this area. There is a lab very close by too. So, it's good to know if I want to do some on my own.

The Urologist I'm seeing is part of a large Urology Office with 25 Urologists. My guy was at a conference for a week and discussed my case with some of the "top Urologists in the field", so he told me. I think he wants me to have the biopsy just to cover his bases legally, and of course to issue a pricey diagnostic test.

My instinct is that he is more good then bad though as far as Urologists go. He took 15min out of his Friday evening after seeing patients to talk to me from his cell phone instead of me having to come in and pay the $40 co-pay.

Hey, is your TT still at 1500?? You are still on 50mg twice a week?
My estradiol is at 33 at last check.

I still have those links you provided, but I didn't feel it was my place to start arguing with the guy who is willing to get me on TRT. I'll see him in person soon and present the info. It wouldn't be entirely bad to get a biopsy done to rule prostate cancer out. I tried calling the insurance company and they are closed due to the holiday.

Actually, privatelabs uses Quest in this area. There is a lab very close by too. So, it's good to know if I want to do some on my own.

The Urologist I'm seeing is part of a large Urology Office with 25 Urologists. My guy was at a conference for a week and discussed my case with some of the "top Urologists in the field", so he told me. I think he wants me to have the biopsy just to cover his bases legally, and of course to issue a pricey diagnostic test.

My instinct is that he is more good then bad though as far as Urologists go. He took 15min out of his Friday evening after seeing patients to talk to me from his cell phone instead of me having to come in and pay the $40 co-pay.

Hey, is your TT still at 1500?? You are still on 50mg twice a week?

There is risk in getting a biopsy. Bad things can happen when that procedure is performed. I am NOT saying that getting the procedure done would be a bad idea. Just be aware of the risks. If you are that confident that it is nothing, tell him you would be willing to sign an informed consent release and decline the procedure.

I am currently taking 80mg of test cyp and .25mg of arimidex every 3.5 days at that puts my TT at about 1100ng/dl. 50mg every 3.5 days never got my TT up to 1500. That was on 100mg every 3.5 days that it got that high.
He just wouldn't do TRT at all without a biopsy...he said so. Also, my Free PSA was just 14%. Combining a high PSA and fairly low Free PSA is cause for concern on his end. I suspect I have BHP.

I sort of regret having my General Practitioner Dr. throwing in the PSA, but the Urologist probably would have done a PSA anyway.