Using HCG. Still getting atrophy


New member
Hi. Starting my 8th wk of a Test Cyp cycle. Been using HCG 2x/wk 250 iu and at about wk 6 noticed some atrophy. I was advised to up my dose to 500 iu 2x/wk for 2 wks then to bring it back down to 250 iu. I took the 500 iu for one week only and then felt like I got some of the size back and went back to 250iu. Trying not to desensitize. Now it seems that the y are shrinking up again. Since this is my 1st cyle I am not sure if some atrophy occurs or not. I was under the impression that using HCG while on gear kept the boys firm & plump. Can someone tell me if that is the case? Or do they still shrink a little?
Maybe I should go back up to 500 iu again?

My concern is that in about 4 wks my cycle will end and my post cycle therapy (pct) will start soon after and that my nuts wont be full enough.

I have been looking for info on this subject and the internet is real good at making things even harder to understand. So far I have found articles saying to do the 250 iu 2x/wk , like on Mon & Thr. another says every 3 days, like mon then thrs then sun etc etc.. Then another said to do 500 iu EOD !! which is alot more!!!.
Meanwhile I know a guy who uses HCG after his cycle in 3 mega doses. He claims that doing it the way I`m doing it is no good!

So I really wann get some input from the board. Chip was very helpful sofar so I will probably go back to 500 iu for at least 2 weeks if not more. I just cant find out if a little atrophy occurs regardless of using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Anyone know?
i know its crazy how much "info" you will find on the net but Mr. Roberts a well known guy in the aas game says for PCT to run 500iuED. When im on cycle i use 400iu 3x a week, going up and down in doses can make the next dose infective due to desensitizing, but then again thats something i read on the net.

I know your not looking for PCT help but i thought this may be interesting HCG info to you as you will read that no drugs that mess with HPTA should be used PCT...

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) by Anthony Roberts
250x 2 a week is the common dose to be effective and keep sides down. Maybe u require a little more. You need to be using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with it and definitely if used for post cycle therapy (pct). During post cycle therapy (pct), if u didn't use on cycle, you would use for 3 weeks at 500 a day along with Aromatase inhibitor (AI) such as exemstane then run the clomid/nolva a few weeks longer. But on cycle use makes more sense