Volos Top Notch Canadian UGL!!!

I will post more pics later, The oral line up is wicked...pressed tabs which are damn near impossible to come by when dealing with UGL's...Love it!!
Zapper whatever ur name is, global is bunk, look at ur pic in ur avatar. By the way, I have tried it, and like I said, its bunk.
So stick with reputable brands you say but volos is new, and you have had great results but you know the guy who makes it.. ya actually ill pass, so many ug's out there that claim to be the best , i can list 10 off the top of my head that ive heard are "the best".. you know the guy so you say so im sure your getting a kick of some sort to plug his shit..
and ps. there are plenty of pressed ug tabs out there, just cause volos are pressed doesnt mean shit..

up 13lbs in 19 days off my cycle... yeah really shitty gear. I've been around the block buddy and trust me this is the best i've used as far as results and quality. Absolutely painless and smooth. don't knock something you've never tried
you said the same about another lab on another board ;)

up 13lbs in 19 days off my cycle... yeah really shitty gear. I've been around the block buddy and trust me this is the best i've used as far as results and quality. Absolutely painless and smooth. don't knock something you've never tried
Uh-Ohh!! Either way though, Volos is GTG!! They are a good ugl imo.
U hear something about a Brand from me, That means Ive tried it! If its good, I say so, If its shit, I say so. Why do I need to mention that I have ran it, but being U asked, Yeah I have ran their gear and its good, like I said in a previous post. Hope that answers ur question shithead.