water weight...


Is there, and if so, what is the best thing to take to cut back on water weight and water retention? i drink roughly close to a gallon of water everyday, and am concerned that the water is preventing my hard work in the gym to cut through and be as visible as though i feel it should. and what are the potential sides (if any)?
Unless your body fat is intensely low, it is not the water weight masking your gains (I should however of course ask if you are on cycle?) Your body will drop water retention naturally according to your diet. Playing around with water pills and such things is dangerous and usually has a harder bounce back than a obese woman on Atkins, meaning your body will suck up even more water once you stop using the supplement. Dehydrating your body of water with supps will also slow your gains. Your muscles need water within the cells to perform properly.
My last BF test read under 7; and since then, my diet has cleaned up immensly; complex carbs, high protein, lean meats, 'healthy' fats, fruits, veggies, etc... my cardio is high; i just cant seem to get the shredded look around my midsection. im vascular and very tone throughout the arms and legs; but i cant attain the 6-pack as defined as im looking for...
Drink smaller amounts of water throughout the day meaning don't go more than a few hours without drinking water. Most of it will be urinated out and your overall water weight will be lower because your body doesn't need to store as much. It knows that it is constantly getting water.

Same concept applies to food.