

New member
i am new to the board and i see that there is alot of great info. i have been searching and every diet i see nobody has any weightgainer in their diet. due to my work schedule i can only eat at 8am 12pm and i get out of work at 4. i was wondering if i can take to servings of weightgainer a day in between. any suggestions would be great
I would stay away from weight gainer unless you are skinny and need to pack on the pounds. Just go with a regular protein shake.
well i am 5'9 152 i am GONNA get up 2 180..i am doin the research for the diet any suggestions will be great thanks
lawnboy, IMO if you need something fast and convient like a weight gainer, make your own! mix protein powder, grinded oats, and some flax and/or natural peanut butter. or precook some meat and rice and/or sweet potatoes the night before and simply warm it up.
Most of the weightgainers are loaded with fast carbs that will increase your insulin release and you will gain fat, so I would only recommend them if you find it very difficult to gain weight. Otherwise just stay with a regular protein supplement.
If you don't have time to eat real food, then yes use a protein shake in between your meals. I'm not a big weight gainer fan due to the high levels of sugar in them. I prefer good old whey protein.:)
beaf said:
Most of the weightgainers are loaded with fast carbs that will increase your insulin release and you will gain fat, so I would only recommend them if you find it very difficult to gain weight. Otherwise just stay with a regular protein supplement.

actually, insulin release can be a good thing for a hardgainer, as they have problems taking in enough calories. insulin will not only shuttle fat into fat cells, but also protein into muscle cells... if insulin only helped guys pack on fat, dudes wouldnt inject it
doggy said:
actually, insulin release can be a good thing for a hardgainer, as they have problems taking in enough calories. Insulin will not only shuttle fat into fat cells, but also protein into muscle cells... if insulin only helped guys pack on fat, dudes wouldnt inject it

Yes I know that the protein needs the insulin to get in to the cell, but that is not the point. Don´t get me wrong here, we need insulin release to keep our bloodsugar stable. BUT, with weightgainers that doesn´t have the complex carbs we will have peaks in our insulin release which will make our bloodsugar drop. This will lead to some unpleasant effects like:
- Increast b/f
- Unstable bloodsugar
- Water retention

These fast carbs that weightgainers consist of is ok for post workout shakes but not for meal replacement. For meal replacement we want complex carbs that will keep our bloodsugar stable. I hope I made myself clearer, sorry for the poor english my native language is Swedish...
good points...

i think it all depends on the body type of the person consuming the products... ie, ecto, meso, endo
I agree with you Doggy. someone on the endo side should steer clear of weight gainer mixes, where as an ecto may benefit from it. all depends on metabolism, etc.