Well-being effect only temporary?


New member
Hey everyone.
I am injecting 100mg teststerone Propionate eod (350mg per week).
I am doing this for 3 weeks now and after day 5 I began to feel AMAZING.
Libido crazy, extremely good mood and highly stressable at work.
If I don't increase the dose, will this effect wear off some day or could I possibly stay on gear forever to feel better than without gear?
In other words: is there a tolerance for the positive psychological side-effects like with cocaine, or is it a durable enhancement?
You will adjust over time and get used to feeling that way. But many of the effects like being happy will remain, especially if you had Low Natty T levels to begin with.
In my opinion, 350mg per week is not a sustainable dose for most guys.

It may take a year or two, but something bad will likely develop forcing you to at least reduce that dose.
You will adjust over time and get used to feeling that way. But many of the effects like being happy will remain, especially if you had Low Natty T levels to begin with.

In my opinion, 350mg per week is not a sustainable dose for most guys.

It may take a year or two, but something bad will likely develop forcing you to at least reduce that dose.

Both of these posts are spot on. As Mega said you would adapt but some things would remain and M also nailed it. You cannot sustain a dose of 350mg/week indefinitely without some adverse effects rearing their head (from a health perspective).
If you have low T- look into TRT as an option but 350mg/week is well above trt dosing.
In bloodsamples I always have 4,5 Testosterone (reference 3-8), age 24 years old.
How about 200-250mg per week?

So you are a little low, but not hypogonadal. Most docs wouldn't put you are TRT yet. You are really young to want to get on TRT. Have you tried an HPTA restart? Do you know what your LH and FSH are coming in at? How about prolactin and estradiol? TSH? Have you gotten a thorough checkup?

A typical TRT dosage is 100-200 of test per week. Make sure that you understand that going on TRT will shut down entirely your natural testosterone production. And the longer you stay on the less likely it will become that it will ever be able to turn back on. Guys who go on TRT usually go on it for the rest of their lives.
just to add to megas post.. trt also includes the following

1. up to 4 injections a week (a minimum of 3 if youre running hcg) for the rest of your life
2. popping pills like adex for the rest of your life
3. donating blood every 2 months to keep your blood from getting too thick

its a lifestyle.... make sure youre ready for it
here is my favorite protocol

1000iu hcg eod for 5 injections (while on this i would run 20mg nolva daily)
once the hcg is done run 50mg clomid for 4 weeks ed
You will adjust over time and get used to feeling that way. But many of the effects like being happy will remain, especially if you had Low Natty T levels to begin with.

Supposedly it will make you just feel better being on test I'm always told... sux for me : /
Thank you all for your great help so far, I really appreciate it!
Reference for prolactin was 0-16

Prolactin could be your problem. When it is high it lowers Testosterone. That could be the difference between being normal and a little low like you are. Are you taking an SSRI or any other medications? Or have you taken any?

Also, what time of the day was your blood work taken?
here is my favorite protocol

1000iu hcg eod for 5 injections (while on this i would run 20mg nolva daily)
once the hcg is done run 50mg clomid for 4 weeks ed

This restart is good for any length of time on TRT or blast and cruisin?
here is my favorite protocol

1000iu hcg eod for 5 injections (while on this i would run 20mg nolva daily)
once the hcg is done run 50mg clomid for 4 weeks ed

That's way too much. Wasteful and not needed. 500iu EOD for 6 pins does the trick. You have to be careful with HCG too much and you damage the natural response.

Clomid is fine at that dose though.
That's way too much. Wasteful and not needed. 500iu EOD for 6 pins does the trick. You have to be careful with HCG too much and you damage the natural response.

Clomid is fine at that dose though.

Absolutely not too much. This is a restart we are talking about. Dr.Scallys Power PCT protocol calls for 1000iu eod for 20 days. You're not going to desensitize leydig tissue with hCG in ten days unless your taking massive doses.

Realistically though you should be using bloodwork to determine if enough hCG is being used.
i took SSRI in low dose for just one year. this was 2 years ago and during that time i had prolactin 20-30.
now in multiple bloodsamples prolactin was between 15-17.
i know about possible issues due to prolactin, but my doctors say its still in range.
but even if i gave a shit about doctors opionion: how would i be able to bring it down? only option: dopamin agonists. these are hardcore pills like caber and prami which cause heart issues and could desensitize dopamine receptors so I would permanently feel lethargic... in that case much worse than side effects of testosterone, what do you think?