what do u think of the following for Anavar (var) and prov conversion


mPUA "el diablo"
what do u think of the following for var and prov conversion

Highest concentration made - 50mg/ml
Per 1 gram of Mesterolone you will need:
8.4 ml's of PEG 300
10.5 ml's 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Highest concentration made - 20mg/ml
Per 1 gram of Oxandrolone powder you will need:
9.8 ml's of PEG 300
39.2 ml's of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol

Solutions requiring PEG and 190 Proof Alcohol

Step 1. Prepare a hot water bath. Boil water in microwave or on a pot. Once boiling starts remove from heat.

Step 2. Place PEG and powder in beaker.

Step 3. Place the beaker deep enough in to the water so that the hot water is level with the PEG and powder. Gently swirl or stir with a stir rod until solution is clear. Reheat water as needed.

Step 4. Allow PEG to cool some. Then add in your 190 proof alcohol. You don't have to do this drop by drop but don't just dump it in. Pour it in slowly.

Step 5. Stir or gently shake until mixed.

your opinions

taken from another site
Looks good to me. Peg and oil dont mix, so next best thing to thin peg with is the strongest alchohol you got. You dont "need" grain alcohol. I bet 151 would do the trick, if not maybe even vodka. Solubility goes down as proof goes down, but in this case you could always use less alcohol and more PEG.