What exactly does Alcohol do to your muscle development?


I am banned!
I always heard its bad to drink if you're taking your training seriously, while others say its ok as long as its not beer...just stick to the hard liquor because drinking beer after beer accumulates to too many carbs. I heard it all.

Can someone finally shed some light for me on this on what exactly alcohol does to your muscles and why bodybuilders tend to stay away?

I know why you would stay away from it if you're on a cycle, with it being hard on the liver and stuff, but what about just muscles and alcohol?
Alcohol is actually healthy in moderation, as well as depending on the type of drink consumed. There are some studies showing alcohol lowers testosterone and insulin sensitivity, but the amount of alcohol consumed was large and impacts on t levels and were miniscule. I don't remember the other study well enough, but I'm sure it was just another researchers attempt at persuading people not to drink.

Like everything in life it can be healthy in moderation.
lol, in short when consumed alcohol becomes the bodys #1 energy source meaning any food u have in ur stomach from previous meals will more then likely be stored ! it also has a diminishing effect on t levels not to mention the poor eating habits that come along with a sloppy night out on the drink ! its ok in MODERATION .
Okay, here is a valid answer from someone in the biochemistry field (me).

I posted this in another thread about a month ago, so here it is:

Acetaldehyde is what gives you the hangover symptoms because it is more toxic than the ethanol from the alcohol you ingested. So ethanol is oxidized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase which can then be converted through the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase to acetic acid. Our bodies do the cycle kinda backwards because plants convert pyruvate into acetaldehyde for alcohol fermentation using pyruvate decarboxylase which will eventually be converted into ethanol through some other pathway.

So, what all this means is, your body nearly stops protein synthesis and other very important biochemical sytheses because the main focus shifts toward eliminating the toxic compounds that are now in the body (ethanol and acetaldehyde). Even worse, cortisol levels become elevated from the increased stress on the body.

Also, beer is highly estrogenic. When people drink a lot of beer, they develop a beer belly and man boobs. Increasing estrogen and carbs from liquor simultaneously will cause the body to store carbs in the 2 places where women retain fat the most, the belly and breast region. Estrogen is very sly, and even though a male may not have overall high levels of estrogen, the constant spikes in estrogen from repeated drinking will cause estrogen fat retention (and water).

There is more to it, but that is as simple as I can make it.

Oh, and NO, alcohol is not healthy in moderation. If you are into lifting, you can do nothing worse than ingest alcohol, which is proven by how it changes the priority of important biochemical pathways for toxin removal.
Okay, here is a valid answer from someone in the biochemistry field (me).

I posted this in another thread about a month ago, so here it is:

Acetaldehyde is what gives you the hangover symptoms because it is more toxic than the ethanol from the alcohol you ingested. So ethanol is oxidized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase which can then be converted through the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase to acetic acid. Our bodies do the cycle kinda backwards because plants convert pyruvate into acetaldehyde for alcohol fermentation using pyruvate decarboxylase which will eventually be converted into ethanol through some other pathway.

So, what all this means is, your body nearly stops protein synthesis and other very important biochemical sytheses because the main focus shifts toward eliminating the toxic compounds that are now in the body (ethanol and acetaldehyde). Even worse, cortisol levels become elevated from the increased stress on the body.

Also, beer is highly estrogenic. When people drink a lot of beer, they develop a beer belly and man boobs. Increasing estrogen and carbs from liquor simultaneously will cause the body to store carbs in the 2 places where women retain fat the most, the belly and breast region. Estrogen is very sly, and even though a male may not have overall high levels of estrogen, the constant spikes in estrogen from repeated drinking will cause estrogen fat retention (and water).

There is more to it, but that is as simple as I can make it.

Oh, and NO, alcohol is not healthy in moderation. If you are into lifting, you can do nothing worse than ingest alcohol, which is proven by how it changes the priority of important biochemical pathways for toxin removal.

Nice post. I wish everyone gave explanations like this.

However, you're making alcohol out to be worse than it is. I agree that alcohol is bad for you, I personally never drink, but it is not the great physique destroyer most people make it out to be. It is okay to have a drink every now and then, just don't make it a habit.
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Nice post. I wish everyone gave explanations like this.

However, you're making alcohol out to be worse than it is. I agree that alcohol is bad for you, I personally never drink, but it is not the great physique destroyer most people make it out to be. It is okay to have a drink every now and then, just don't make it a habit.

True, it is nice to go out and have a beer with buddies or a drink at a dinner party once in a while. If I do, I limit it to 1, and by the time I get home, I am back on track with evening meals.

I think stress is hands down the biggest physique destroyer, if I was to name one. Cortisol skyrockets when you are stressed, and it will hurt your current physique and future gains.
True, it is nice to go out and have a beer with buddies or a drink at a dinner party once in a while. If I do, I limit it to 1, and by the time I get home, I am back on track with evening meals.

I think stress is hands down the biggest physique destroyer, if I was to name one. Cortisol skyrockets when you are stressed, and it will hurt your current physique and future gains.

Agreed. Stress and lack of sleep are the two biggest physique destroyers IME.

Some cortisol is necessary, after all you wouldn't be able to get out of bed without it, but too much and you constantly feel like shit. It's all about balance. Too little cortisol and you won't have enough energy to workout, you'll feel lethargic and just want to fall down and die. In contrast, too much cortisol causes anxiety issues, loss of muscle and a slower workout recovery among other things.

Too little sleep is just as bad, if not worse. I am constantly sleep deprived, and it really takes a toll as well. It is much harder to workout with intensity and focus when you're tired and gains come much slower. Not to mention sleep lowers natural testosterone levels, raises cortisol, lowers leptin, increases ghrelin, etc... all bad things. When I get a good nights sleep I easily add 10-20 pounds to my major lifts.
True, it is nice to go out and have a beer with buddies or a drink at a dinner party once in a while. If I do, I limit it to 1, and by the time I get home, I am back on track with evening meals.

I think stress is hands down the biggest physique destroyer, if I was to name one. Cortisol skyrockets when you are stressed, and it will hurt your current physique and future gains.

if ur not a pro bb or if ur not gunna compete at a high level dont ruin ur socioal life drinking in moderation is not going to hurt u

I just try to make sure that the alcohol fits my macros, especially if I'm cutting. If I'm going out or drinking at home, here are some good, low cal choices:

Vodka/Gin and Diet Tonic water
Black Russian/White Russian with fat free milk
Maybe 1 or 2 light beers if I really feel it.

However, when I'm bulking, I'll treat myself to a few regular beers, why not.
Alcohol definitely effects some people's body more than others. Me personally, if I drink I'll notice it impeding my progress from hitting the gym hard all week. I have friends where it does not really do anything to their physique if they drink once or twice a weekend. Having a good social life is awesome. You owe it to yourself so when your not on gear drink every now and then. I started going out sober now just so I can focus on training but I'll pound some beers every now and then.

Btw Infection, every time I check this thread you are looking more and more beastly brother!

And i agree with you sevenstring. Most of my buddies when they get some hard alcohol they dont mix it with soda or juice anymore, they'll use club soda,etc.
Alcohol definitely effects some people's body more than others. Me personally, if I drink I'll notice it impeding my progress from hitting the gym hard all week. I have friends where it does not really do anything to their physique if they drink once or twice a weekend. Having a good social life is awesome. You owe it to yourself so when your not on gear drink every now and then. I started going out sober now just so I can focus on training but I'll pound some beers every now and then.

Btw Infection, every time I check this thread you are looking more and more beastly brother!

And i agree with you sevenstring. Most of my buddies when they get some hard alcohol they dont mix it with soda or juice anymore, they'll use club soda,etc.

Thanks bud. I seem to be growing at an astounding rate... It must be something in the water..