What foods are good for bulking and how much and how often should I be eating?


New member
I'm 6ft. 3in. 230lbs w/9 percent bodyfat. I currently started a weight gaining program and my buddies in the gym say i'm eating to clean. I'm trying to put on muscle and keep the fat off as much as possible. Is that a good idea? I'm eating mainly oatmeal, pasta, eggs, tuna, chicken, beef, skim milk, cheese, some salads and about 3-4 protien shakes a day. How often should I be eating? Approx. how many calories should a person like me be eating a day? Should I be eating right before bed also?
You should be eating 6 to 7 meals a day, if you are a serious hardgainer then eat right before bed. I do not eat after 8pm, I do not want to put on unwanted fat, however all day long I eat high protein meals and lots of fresh vegetables. Stay away from fruit juices they are mostly sugar--drink whole milk instead of skim if you are having trouble gaining weight. If you have a spare moment --you should be eating at this time. One meal should flow into the next --constant grazing has been the key to muscle growth for me. As for calories I am not that scientific about it but I am sure that my caloric intake is quite high.
Ditto to husky guy, but maybe cut down on the shakes, unless you mean before WO, after WO, and 2 mrp, then it's okay. But if you really want to pack on size, eat whole food.