what happend


New member
Whatever happend to 3 meals a day.I hear everybody at the gym and a lot of my buddies say how the eat up to like 7 times a day.can you still see nice gains eating 3 meals a day.I take in a lot of protein a day.but my girl also eats and goes to the gym with me and we have kids so I can't eat like that with work and daily life activites.I'm trying to figure out can I still get the gains eating 3 clean meals a day and breakfast is hard for me with rushing in the morning.so help me if you can
3 meals is fine. it might be a bit difficult to eat all that food at once but apart from that its no problem.
A lot of people count shakes as meals. Also, you have to remember that a steady flow of protein to the body is best. I don't know how you could really eat 100+g of protein and 100g of carbs each meal!
We have found that 7 smaller meal is better than 3 larger meals. Smaller meals keep your body fueled without taxing the body to digest. Yes a meal can be a peace of fruit with a protein shake or ham sandwich with a shake.
7 small meals throughout the day is good as well like Dread stated. 3 meals a day is good also. Long as they are clean and supplying ur body with the protein and nutrients u need u will be fine.
throw 3X 60g protein shakes a day in there.(have one inbetween each meal)
put them in empty water bottles and take em with you . bring one to work.
throw an extra penut butter in there also.

if you go like you are i feel your REALLY short changing yourself.
good luck
I eat clean but never really paid much attn to protein and carbs so what kinda meals do you guys and gals suggest.I also don't want my food to taste like cardboard.so help me out on meals with protein and carbs that also don't taste like ass
More than 3 meals is preferred because nutrients are constantly getting into your muscles and the body is constantly using the food to keep the metabolism working.

I only eat 3 meals but have inbetween shakes and veggies and snacks. 4 meals at the most.
Ok so I can have breakfast and then like 2hrs later have a shake then 2hrs have lunch then 2hrs and a shake then 2hrs have dinner and mix in some friut or nuts to I think I got it.is muscle milk a good shake taste wise and texture