What happens when you come off?


New member
Theoretical case:

6' guy takes up bodybuilding. Starts at 170lbs and over the course of many years training and clever use of steroids he gets up to 230lbs lean. He then has an accident of some kind and cannot train. His weight drops off due to illness and when is back to training he is at 170lbs. Then say he never uses steroids again. What can he gain back?

Do Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) stimulate hyperlasia and if so, do those new muscle cells stay for good? Effectively, has he upped his 'natural' (since accident) geneticl potential? Will he also quickly gain back (assuming that his diet and exercise are sound) a lot of that lost muscle? What are the physiological mechanisms behind this?

Don't know if I have explained my question well, but here goes...
Part one.....too many variables for me to hazard a guess.

Part two.....NO.....AAS do not increase the number of muscle cells, it will only increase the size of the existing ones. Growth Hormone will increase the number of cells.
Thanks, was trying to clear up something I had read about hyperplasia. Do people often post saying 'lost 20lbs went back to training, gained it back real quick'? Read a few posts like that and am not sure what to make of them.
Muscle and fat cells do not multiply ,GH causes muscle cells to multiply interesting.............SC do you have a link to anything I can read up on
It's not necessarily common knowledge. There is some evidence that suggests that fat cells do mutiply in obese children giving them the ability to become even fatter than anyone ever before when they get older. That and some, obviously misguided, information I read gave rise to my thinking about this. Plus, hyperplasia would be nice.