What happens when you eat to much peanut butter?

You die.

No, seriously, peanut butter is high in omega-6 fats, so that's not good for you. It's also linoleic acid, which needs to be converted to the needed forms in order to be used, but an excess of linoleic acid will use up the enzymes needed to convert it. The thing is, the same enzymes used to convert linoleic acid are the same enzymes used to convert alpha-linoleic acid (omega-3 fat, found in flax oil). This can shut down the EFA pathways, so you better make sure you're getting EFAs from things like fish oil, eggs, animal fats, and organ meats.

It also contains phytic acid, which inhibits nutrient uptake of zinc, magnesium, iron, and some others that I can't recall off hand. Eating lots of it is not good with respect to this. It also contains enzyme inhibitors, so eating a lot wouldn't be good for digestion.

This isn't exactly a bad thing of peanut butter, but many people often replace good animal fats with peanut butter, which means you're not getting the fats that you need.
Too much of anything is rarely a good thing. Stick to meat, eggs, and milk as bulking foods. Most peanut butters have way too much sugar.
when you say "sounds like"....it comes across as being unsure....not a factual statement.........please explain in detail as I know the answer and wait with baited breath
I don't know how to get any simpler than "enzyme inhibitors screwing with digestion." You need enzymes in order to digest your food, and improperly prepared legumes (or grains, nuts, and seeds) contain enzyme inhibitors that mess with digestion. That causes gas.

If you soak them first, then you can get rid of this problem. Never was it more apparent to me when one time I had a ton of refried beans made from soaked beans....no gas...a couple days later I had refried beans that were not first soaked....lots of gas.
Frosty said:
hahaha....sounds like a symptom of the enzyme inhibitors screwing with your digestion. Same with beans.

Anything with peanuts in it makes my digestive tract feel like it's gonna explode, if consumed in sufficient quantities. Doesn't matter if it's just roasted peanuts, raw peanuts, or peanut butter.
too much of any one thing isnt too smart

that includes all carbs, fats and proteins period

A little binge once in a while ok

but beyond your body's normal capabilitites to digest the normal everyday shit you eat/drink your body will start to have problems