what is your preferred carb for glycogen replenishment while dieting?

I feel it is so important to refuel after your training whether you're dietting or not. I always have a shake with a couple tablespoons of honey right after I train. Some people prefer to use straight dextrose or maltodextrin. I like to get it in me within a half an hour of my training. I feel like shit if I don't.
Hi :)

tell me, when your dieting

do you injest carbs at everymeal or do you take them at oppotune times?

I say this because sort of a new trend is starting at my gym

People are starting to have carbs just twce a day instead of spreading them out.

soemthing about insulin sensitivity

in the morning, and post workout only......

what are your thoughts?
Fyre said:
I feel it is so important to refuel after your training whether you're dietting or not. I always have a shake with a couple tablespoons of honey right after I train. Some people prefer to use straight dextrose or maltodextrin. I like to get it in me within a half an hour of my training. I feel like shit if I don't.

Same here...Honey = dextrose and some fructose. One TBSP = 17g carbs. Could do without the fructose but what the hell. Up until a few days ago I was mixing my creatine with fructose sweetened juice. I guess the learning never stops. Would prefer glucose or maltodextrin but that is next payday.
WannaBe said:
Same here...Honey = dextrose and some fructose. One TBSP = 17g carbs. Could do without the fructose but what the hell. Up until a few days ago I was mixing my creatine with fructose sweetened juice. I guess the learning never stops. Would prefer glucose or maltodextrin but that is next payday.

It's amazing how many people just mix their creatine with orange juice or a high fructose based juice. It's so important to take in between 50-100 grams of carbs after you train to replenish glycogen stores. And as far as the learning never stops.....well that my friend is a good thing. We can never know too much and it's always good to keep learning. ;)
bigdog20 said:
50g dextrose and 25g whey pro right after trainning than a real meal an hour later.
i would bump up your amount of protein..

do this:
50g whey
50g dextrose
25g matodextrin

50g whey
50g dextrose
1 banana