what PCT should i use for Epistane?


New member
im starting a cycle of eipistane, but im completely lost for the pct. the majority of people on bobybuilding.com say its anti estrogen and it will prevent gyno but will shutdown after a few weeks. but then i saw an old thread saying epistane had lab tests and was declared almost the same as TREN. so im lost atm and i was considered doing a cycle of epi 10/20/30/30 along with rich pianas 5% organ protector and doing eradicate for on cycle therapy along with coconut oil, Ginger for natural test booster, and smoothies rich in 0megas. and for pct ill be doing Estrogenex Depot, heres a link; strongsupplementshop.com/estrogenex-depot-90-ct-by-hi-tech-pharmaceuticals (supposedly the strongest anti estrogen product out there)

will i be good with this cycle? and if i need something more like nolva is RUI-Products even a good company? they are a hell lot cheaper then sarms1 which makes me skeptical.
RUI products are solid. Nobody will tell you different. I'd put way more faith in anything they sell vs stuff Rich Piana sells:D

All pct is the same. Read the stickies above the tread.
I don't know anything about epistane.and don't dabble in pro hormones. If your looking to enhancement why not just use AAS? For AAS all pct is the same. I'm assuming it's he same with any test suppressive "supplement".

don't think just because something isn't labeled as AAS that it's any safer to use.