What pct is best recommended?
Hi i am going to do a first cycle with?
-test-e 500mg/week 10 weeks
-d-bol 30-40 mg ed 6 weeks
what PCT would an expert can advice me?
i hear about clomid, nolva, arimidex etc, i can get either one but should i take only one, two together or .............???
I have read that i have to add in the cycle nolva from the beginning, some other say only use it when gyno appears so i am comfused..
Help will be appreciated, thanks
Hi i am going to do a first cycle with?
-test-e 500mg/week 10 weeks
-d-bol 30-40 mg ed 6 weeks
what PCT would an expert can advice me?
i hear about clomid, nolva, arimidex etc, i can get either one but should i take only one, two together or .............???
I have read that i have to add in the cycle nolva from the beginning, some other say only use it when gyno appears so i am comfused..
Help will be appreciated, thanks