What post cycle therapy (pct) is best recommended?


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What pct is best recommended?

Hi i am going to do a first cycle with?

-test-e 500mg/week 10 weeks
-d-bol 30-40 mg ed 6 weeks

what PCT would an expert can advice me?

i hear about clomid, nolva, arimidex etc, i can get either one but should i take only one, two together or .............???

I have read that i have to add in the cycle nolva from the beginning, some other say only use it when gyno appears so i am comfused..

Help will be appreciated, thanks

With the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) would take low dose eod, nothing is set in stone so use what you have too to get you back up
Your first cycle should be testosterone ONLY

And this Forum is for people currently running cycles not people asking questions.

You need a SERM for pct (clomid, nolva, or torem)

clomid- 100/75/50/50
Nolva- 40/40/20/20
Torem- 120/90/60/60

I use a nolva + clomid combo

Nolva should be used pct and not during your cycle (unless gyno pops up), but you are better off running a low dose of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aroma, letro, or adex) from the start to keep estrogen in normal ranges and especially if you are gyno prone.

Use the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) during cycle and taper the dose down during pct.

Again you are in the wrong forum and should post this in the "Anabolic Steroid Forum"...ask a moderator to move the thread
Hi i am going to do a first cycle with?

-test-e 500mg/week 10 weeks
-d-bol 30-40 mg ed 6 weeks

what PCT would an expert can advice me?

i hear about clomid, nolva, arimidex etc, i can get either one but should i take only one, two together or .............???

I have read that i have to add in the cycle nolva from the beginning, some other say only use it when gyno appears so i am comfused..

Help will be appreciated, thanks


make it 12-14 weeks anyless is a waste in my op.

pct can be both or one.
just go with 50mg clomid for 3-4 weeks.
and if you want extra help run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500iu 2X a week (about every 3-4days) the last 5 weeks of cycle leading up to BUT NOT into PCT.

I would rec tbol over dbol. dbol has alot more side effects.
or just stick to test.
I rec adding 50mg proviron ed with the test and start pct 1-2 weeks after last pin.
make it 12-14 weeks anyless is a waste in my op.

I rec adding 50mg proviron ed with the test and start pct 1-2 weeks after last pin.

I agree with this partially. Proviron (maybe low dose of anavar) is the only thing I think you can get away with in terms of stacking w/test for a first cycle. Either way if you can't grow on 400-500mg/week of test for a first cycle then you're an idiot. Also running for 12weeks I def agree with as well. But pct should started 16-21 days after your last pin when using an enanthate ester, not 1-2 weeks, unless you plan on running a 6week pct..