What Powerlifting Tells Us About the Effects of AAS

I never understood this - why have a drug free form of powerlifting if your not going to bother testing?
The argument of "well guys are going to find a way around it anyway" is bullshit because it should be their job to ensure there is NO way around it.
Happens in natural bodybuilding too, which is why it annoys me *cough*...Layne Norton...*cough*

The conclusion isn't a surprise, its already been established that muscle memory is a very real thing that makes it possible to recover all your strength even if you haven't trained for a while, have been off cycle, injuries, etc.
This isn't telling us anything we didn't know, but I think it is still interesting seeing it charted out (despite the deficiencies they pointed out).
do you think the percentage increase from that article apply to bodybuilding and all people whether they compete or not that the use of aas would give them up to a 20% advantage over a "natural athlete"? or that the amount of strength and muscular size would in a since be 20% greater then if you were natural.
it is a very interesting article. also would the % increase also get higher over time? so in a year a 20% difference might be present but in the next year combined with the first would the overall % from 2 years be higher like 25%?
Flawed article, and they do point it out in the end. Just because someone joins a drug free federation, doesn't mean they've always been drug-free. Kind of skews the data a bit imo.

Besides, anyone that has spent time in powerlifting knows it's the connective tissues that truly limit progress. Sure HGH can help, but those joints and tendons/ligaments do give up eventually.
Very interesting read. I too would like to know how many of the "natural" athletes have previously cycled? Damn regardless, all classes are strong as shit
I never understood this - why have a drug free form of powerlifting if your not going to bother testing?
The argument of "well guys are going to find a way around it anyway" is bullshit because it should be their job to ensure there is NO way around it.
Happens in natural bodybuilding too, which is why it annoys me *cough*...Layne Norton...*cough*

The conclusion isn't a surprise, its already been established that muscle memory is a very real thing that makes it possible to recover all your strength even if you haven't trained for a while, have been off cycle, injuries, etc.

There isnt nearly enough money in powerlifting to pay federation employees to monitor the athletes like they're on the Olympic team. And the athletes probably dont have time for that shit either, considering quite a few work regular ass jobs.
There isnt nearly enough money in powerlifting to pay federation employees to monitor the athletes like they're on the Olympic team. And the athletes probably dont have time for that shit either, considering quite a few work regular ass jobs.

Then dont pretend to have a drug free federation - simple solution.

What I see is a federation pretending to have drug free athletes when they know its a bunch of bullshit - I'm sorry but there's no excuse for this.

Why create a drug free federation when you cant actually monitor whether people are drug free? You would have to be an irrational idiot to even attempt to defend this :)
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I power lifted for years, part of 3 different "drug-free" federations. They never tested anyone, but on rare occasions they would test the one super obvious guy that came in and benched 2.5x his body weight, looking like Ronnie Coleman at 39 years of age. Otherwise all the dudes were on something, or at least 90% were in my estimation. It is like professional cycling, almost no one is clean.
Then dont pretend to have a drug free federation - simple solution.

What I see is a federation pretending to have drug free athletes when they know its a bunch of bullshit - I'm sorry but there's no excuse for this.

Why create a drug free federation when you cant actually monitor whether people are drug free? You would have to be an irrational idiot to even attempt to defend this :)

Dude its amateur athletics lol. The fed owners/promoters get their money from entry and membership fees, thats it! I agree that its bullshit that some guys will knowingly compete "drug free" but its not the fucking olympics dude. The most that can be done is an additional entry fee for those that want to compete in a tested division.

I bet you still believe in democracy dont you? :)
Dude its amateur athletics lol. The fed owners/promoters get their money from entry and membership fees, thats it! I agree that its bullshit that some guys will knowingly compete "drug free" but its not the fucking olympics dude. The most that can be done is an additional entry fee for those that want to compete in a tested division.

I bet you still believe in democracy dont you? :)

Your completely missing the point so let me use some capitals...


I have no problem with PEDs in sports, in fact I wish they were legal.
I do have a problem when a federation, whether its bodybuilding or powerlifting or whatever, pretends to be something it clearly isn't.

I'm not wasting any more time on this so if you cant see how completely retarded it is to promote a "drug free" federation that isn't tested or actually drug free then I cant help you.