What"s everyone's opinion on pics??


I'd like to post a few pics for advice and charting purposes but I'm debating the whole "Face" issue.
I'm personally pretty open about my personal use.
I work in a pretty laid back atmosphere, most of my coworkers live a party lifestyle so I don't get any judgement or shit talk from anyone, including my bosses for my decisions to "Suplement".
Anyway, I've seen some members post pics with faces showing and some black em out one way or another.
Just looking for some opinions on this matter.
Yeah, I'm not much into the photoshop techniques so I'll have to figure it out.
I guess better safe than sorry is a good philosophy here.
Hey Man you never know when u might want to run for public office.... Personnally i blot out my face so that my kids won't be mortified if one of ther classmates finds the site. hey i saw your dad on S.com he a juicer!
Dont do it. Some assholes take the pc and photoshop it.

good luck!


Hey gator - I don't get it - u mean some guys put their heads on other bodies?
(I have done that with Arnol's body before as a joke - of course he is so recogizeable that it's kinda funny.)
Hey gator - I don't get it - u mean some guys put their heads on other bodies?
(I have done that with Arnol's body before as a joke - of course he is so recogizeable that it's kinda funny.)

Yeah I didn't quite understand the comment either.
"Don't do what? Post ure pic or photoshop ure pic? LOL"
There is no reason too, this is a bodybuilding board and your ugly mug has nothing to do with your physique. I would even go as far as blurring out tattoo's if I had any..:D

i hear you and agree totally but sometimes the face is blotted out so badly it distorts the impression. For example i think you need the basic head shape to get an idea of proportion. the guys who put the JackIn The box head or a smily face on their bods kindof distort the whole image. IMO it's kind of like seeing a bodybuilder with big hair - makes their bodies look smaller somehow. other thing that is interesting is to see the age, if that's not posted. Being almost (shit!!!!!) fifty i know my body went thru some crazy ass changes at 30 and 40 - propotions change and stuff moves around - so it's interesting to see if it's the body of a 20 year old to see where he's going vs a fifty year old.
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i hear you and agree totally but sometimes the face is blotted out so badly it distorts the impression. For example i think you need the basic head shape to get an idea of proportion. the guys who put the JackIn The box head or a smily face on their bods kindof distort the whole image. IMO it's kind of like seeing a bodybuilder with big hair - makes their bodies look smaller somehow. other thing that is interesting is to see the age, if that's not posted. Being almost (shit!!!!!) fifty i know my body went thru some crazy ass changes at 30 and 40 - propotions change and stuff moves around - so it's interesting to see if it's the body of a 20 year old to see where he's going vs a fifty year old.

Good points, never thought of it like that, but unfortunately I cannot post my face for various reasons.
leanbody you make a good point, it's just as easy to block out the eyes and mouth than the whole head/neck/shoulders
anyone who goes on this website, isn't going to judge negatively about it. I'm pretty sure only people interested in using steroids themselves would ever locate this website, let alone bother browsing it.