What should my Carb/Protein intake be with a 4000 calorie a day workout


New member
Been looking through the threads and couldnt find anything on this. What would you recommend my G of protein and carbs be? any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
are you saying you are burning 4000 calories during a workout?

what are you trying to accomplish?

also you need fat as well.
nonono, I want an intake of 4000 calories.. basically what % of fat/carbs/protein do yall recommend or do you do on your diets
im going to naturally assume this is in order to gain weight.

assuming average or better insulin sensitivity: 50/30/20 carb/protein/fat.

some people do better on lower carbs higher fats.
im actualy looking more for the athlete type, ill also be doing cardio workouts while on this
pbmark said:
im actualy looking more for the athlete type
meaning what? that youre trying to minimize fat gain while gaining muscle/strength? thats inherently the goal of practically every person here.
personally im on the seefood diet...I see food and eat it. I eat till I can't eat, sometime i get 3,000 calories sometime 5,000 i try to eat chicken,steak,tuna,rice,potatos,broc, all the good stuff!
im actualy looking more for the athlete type, ill also be doing cardio workouts while on this

I did well (in my athletic training) with a 50/40/10 carbs/protein/fat....this of course may change if your a marathon runner or a powerlifter..what sports?