What the hell is the differnce between a recomp and a bulk if both are above maintena


New member
I thought recomposition were done using maintenance calories now I am hearing that isn't the case, would someone mind enlightening me?

Also, could one one who has never done a real cycle make gains on 400mg of test at maintenance level calories
Recomps are usually AT maintenance or slightly above/below depending on the initial conditions. If you have fat to lose, it's a deficit, vice versa for "skinny-fat". Be advised that recomps do have slower results, but you are killing two birds with one stone.

Yes, you can see results at that dose of testosterone. It's different for everyone, but that should put you at about double or triple what normal test levels are.

My .02c :)
The better your condition, the more difficult it is to recomp. As time goes on and the better conditioned you become IMO a recomp becomes less and less prudent.